SciPy 1.11.0 Release Notes#
SciPy 1.11.0 is the culmination of 6 months of hard work. It contains
many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and better
documentation. There have been a number of deprecations and API changes
in this release, which are documented below. All users are encouraged to
upgrade to this release, as there are a large number of bug-fixes and
optimizations. Before upgrading, we recommend that users check that
their own code does not use deprecated SciPy functionality (to do so,
run your code with python -Wd
and check for DeprecationWarning
Our development attention will now shift to bug-fix releases on the
1.11.x branch, and on adding new features on the main branch.
This release requires Python 3.9+ and NumPy 1.21.6 or greater.
For running on PyPy, PyPy3 6.0+ is required.
Highlights of this release#
array API improvements, including sparse.sparray, a new public base class distinct from the older sparse.spmatrix class, proper 64-bit index support, and numerous deprecations paving the way to a modern sparse array experience.scipy.stats
added tools for survival analysis, multiple hypothesis testing, sensitivity analysis, and working with censored data.A new function was added for quasi-Monte Carlo integration, and linear algebra functions
now accept nD-arrays.An
argument was added broadly tondimage
functions, facilitating analysis of stacked image data.
New features#
for quasi-Monte Carlo integration.For an even number of points,
now calculates a parabolic segment over the last three points which gives improved accuracy over the previous implementation.
has a new methodsubset_size
for providing the size of a particular subset.
, andquecto
SI prefixes were added.
is improved and now accepts
is improved and now accepts nD-arrays. With the newp_indices
switch the output permutation argument can be 1D(n,)
permutation index instead of the full(n, n)
argument was added torank_filter
, andgaussian_filter
, which can be useful for processing stacks of image data.
now passes unrecognized options directly to HiGHS.scipy.optimize.root_scalar
now uses Newton’s method to be used without providingfprime
and thesecant
method to be used without a second guess.scipy.optimize.lsq_linear
now acceptsbounds
arguments of typescipy.optimize.Bounds
now supports simple bound constraints.Users can opt into a new callback interface for most methods of
: If the provided callback callable accepts a single keyword argument,intermediate_result
now passes both the current solution and the optimal value of the objective function to the callback as an instance ofscipy.optimize.OptimizeResult
. It also allows the user to terminate optimization by raising aStopIteration
exception from the callback function.scipy.optimize.minimize
will return normally, and the latest solution information is provided in the result object.scipy.optimize.curve_fit
now supports an optionalnan_policy
now has parallelization with theworkers
argument, symmetry arguments that can improve performance, class-based design to improve usability, and generally improved performance.
has an improved warning message when the NOLA condition fails.
A new public base class
was introduced, allowing further extension of the sparse array API (such as the support for 1-dimensional sparse arrays) without breaking backwards compatibility.isinstance(x, scipy.sparse.sparray)
to select the new sparse array classes, whileisinstance(x, scipy.sparse.spmatrix)
selects only the old sparse matrix classes.Division of sparse arrays by a dense array now returns sparse arrays.
now only returns True for the sparse matrices instances.scipy.sparse.issparse
now has to be used instead to check for instances of sparse arrays or instances of sparse matrices.Sparse arrays constructed with int64 indices will no longer automatically downcast to int32.
methods now return the correct result when explicit zeros are present.
by a number now returns a_ScaledLinearOperator
now supports right multiplication by arrayslobpcg
should be more efficient following removal of an extraneous QR decomposition.
Usage of new C++ backend for additional distance metrics, the majority of which will see substantial performance improvements, though a few minor regressions are known. These are focused on distances between boolean arrays.
The factorial functions
were made consistent in their behavior (in terms of dimensionality, errors etc.). Additionally,factorial2
can now handle arrays withexact=True
, andfactorialk
can handle arrays.
New Features#
, a method to compute Sobol’ sensitivity indices.scipy.stats.dunnett
, which performs Dunnett’s test of the means of multiple experimental groups against the mean of a control group.scipy.stats.ecdf
for computing the empirical CDF and complementary CDF (survival function / SF) from uncensored or right-censored data. This function is also useful for survival analysis / Kaplan-Meier estimation.scipy.stats.logrank
to compare survival functions underlying samples.scipy.stats.false_discovery_control
for adjusting p-values to control the false discovery rate of multiple hypothesis tests using the Benjamini-Hochberg or Benjamini-Yekutieli procedures.scipy.stats.CensoredData
to represent censored data. It can be used as input to thefit
method of univariate distributions and to the newecdf
function.Filliben’s goodness of fit test as
has a new method,confidence_interval
for computing a confidence interval of the difference between means.scipy.stats.MonteCarloMethod
, andscipy.stats.BootstrapMethod
are new classes to configure resampling and/or Monte Carlo versions of hypothesis tests. They can currently be used withscipy.stats.pearsonr
Statistical Distributions#
Added the von-Mises Fisher distribution as
. This distribution is the most common analogue of the normal distribution on the unit sphere.Added the relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution as
. It is used in high energy physics to model resonances.Added the Dirichlet multinomial distribution as
.Improved the speed and precision of several univariate statistical distributions.
, andisf
, andisf
, andisf
. andisf
, andisf
, andisf
, andisf
, andstats
, andstats
, andisf
, andpdf
, andisf
now hascdf
, andscipy.stats.invwishart
now have anentropy
Other Improvements#
now supports multi-sample statistics.scipy.stats.bootstrap
can now produce one-sided confidence intervals.scipy.stats.rankdata
performance was improved formethod=ordinal
now supports non-central moment calculation.scipy.stats.anderson
now supports theweibull_min
now supportaxis
, and masked array input.
Deprecated features#
Multi-Ellipsis sparse matrix indexing has been deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.13.
Several methods were deprecated for sparse arrays:
, andgetformat
. Additionally, the.A
attributes were deprecated. Sparse matrix types are not affected.The
are deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.13. Users are recommended to use the NumPy versions of these functions with identical names.The
are deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.13. Users are recommended to usescipy.interpolate.BSpline
keyword ofscipy.integrate.simpson
is deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.13.0. Users should leave this as the default as this gives improved accuracy compared to the other methods.Using
when passing integers in a float array tofactorial
is deprecated and will be removed in SciPy 1.13.0.float128 and object dtypes are deprecated for
The functions
scipy.signal.{lsim2, impulse2, step2}
had long been deprecated in documentation only. They now raise a DeprecationWarning and will be removed in SciPy 1.13.0.Importing window functions directly from scipy.window has been soft deprecated since SciPy 1.1.0. They now raise a
and will be removed in SciPy 1.13.0. Users should instead import them from scipy.signal.window or use the convenience functionscipy.signal.get_window
Backwards incompatible changes#
The default for the
keyword ofscipy.special.comb
has changed fromTrue
, as announced since its introduction.
Expired Deprecations#
There is an ongoing effort to follow through on long-standing deprecations. The following previously deprecated features are affected:
keyword has been removed fromscipy.stats.moment
keyword has been removed from scipy.stats.interval.The misspelt
distribution has been removed (usescipy.stats.gibrat
).The deprecated spelling of the
distance metric has been removed (usescipy.spatial.distance.kulczynski1
keyword of scipy.spatial.Delauney.qhull has been removed (use simplices).The
property ofscipy.sparse.csgraph.maximum_flow
has been removed (useflow
keyword ofscipy.stats.rv_continuous
and scipy.stats.rv_sample has been removed.The
keyword ofscipy.linalg.solve
has been removed.The
function now raises an error forx0
withx0.ndim > 1
, the default value ofkeepdims
is nowFalse
, and support for non-numeric input has been removed.The function
does not support non-uniform time steps anymore.
Other changes#
Rewrote the source build docs and restructured the contributor guide.
Improved support for cross-compiling with meson build system.
MyST-NB notebook infrastructure has been added to our documentation.
Issues closed for 1.11.0#
#1766: __fitpack.h work array computations pretty much one big bug….
#1953: use custom warnings instead of print statements (Trac #1428)
#3089: brentq, nan returns, and bounds
#4257: scipy.optimize.line_search returns None
#4532: box constraint in scipy optimize cobyla
#5584: Suspected underflow issue with sign check in bisection method
#5618: Solution for low accuracy of simps with even number of points
#5899: minimize_scalar – strange behaviour
#6414: scipy.stats Breit-Wigner distribution
#6842: Covariance matrix returned by ODR needs to be scaled by the residual…
#7306: any way of stopping optimization?
#7799: basinhopping result violates constraints
#8176: optimize.minimize should provide a way to return the cost function…
#8394: brentq returns solutions outside of the bounds
#8485: freqz() output for fifth order butterworth bandpass (low cut…
#8922: Bug in Solve_ivp with BDF and Radau solvers and numpy arrays
#9061: Will a vectorized fun offer advantages for scipy.integrate.LSODA?
#9265: DOC: optimize.minimize: recipe for avoiding redundant work when…
#9412: Callback return value erroneously ignored in minimize
#9728: DOC: scipy.integrate.solve_ivp
#9955: stats.mode nan_policy=’omit’ unexpected behavior when data are…
#10050: [Bug] inconsistent canonical format for coo_matrix
#10370: SciPy errors out expecting square matrix using for root-finding…
#10437: scipy.optimize.dual_annealing always rejects non-improving state
#10554: ndimage.gaussian_filter provide axis option
#10829: Extend Anderson Darling to cover Weibull distribution
#10853: ImportError: cannot import name spatial
#11052: optimize.dual_annealing does not pass arguments to jacobian.
#11564: LinearOperator objects cannot be applied to sparse matrices
#11723: Monte Carlo methods for scipy.integrate
#11775: Multi xatol for Nedler-Mead algorithm
#11841: Ignore NaN with scipy.optimize.curve_fit
#12114: scipy.optimize.shgo(): ‘args’ is incorrectly passed to constraint…
#12715: Why the covariance from curve_fit depends so sharply on the overall…
#13122: The test suite fails on Python 3.10: issue with factorial() on…
#13258: **kwargs for optimize.root_scalar and alike
#13407: `if rtol < _rtol / 4` should be changed?
#13535: Newton-iteration should not be done after secant interpolation
#13547: optimize.shgo: handle objective functions that return the gradient…
#13554: The correct root for test APS13 is 0
#13757: API for representing censored data
#13974: BUG: optimize.shgo: not using options
#14059: Bound on absolute tolerance ‘xtol’ in ‘optimize/’ is…
#14262: cython_blas does not use const in signatures
#14414: brentq does converge and not raise an error for np.nan functions
#14486: One bug, one mistake and one refactorization proposal for the…
#14519: scipy/stats/tests/[500-200-ncf-arg74] test fails with IntegrationWarning
#14525: scipy.signal.bspline does not work for integer types
#14858: BUG: scipy.optimize.bracket sometimes fails silently
#14901: BUG: stats: distribution methods emit unnecessary warnings from…
#15089: BUG: scipy.optimize.minimize() does not report lowest energy…
#15136: ENH: Bump boost.math version
#15177: BUG: element-wise division between sparse matrices and array-likes…
#15212: BUG: stange behavior of scipy.integrate.quad for divergent integrals
#15514: BUG: optimize.shgo: error with vector constraints
#15600: BUG: handle inconsistencies in factorial functions and their…
#15613: ENH: Provide functions to compute log-integrals numerically (e.g.,…
#15702: MAINT:linalg: Either silent import NumPy versions or deprecate…
#15706: DEP: remove deprecated parameters from stats distributions
#15755: DEP: absorb lsim2 into lsim
#15756: DEP: remove non-numeric array support in stats.mode
#15790: BUG: `isspmatrix` doesn’t account for sparse arrays
#15808: DEP: raise on >1-dim inputs for optimize.minimize
#15814: CI: move Azure jobs to GitHub Actions
#15818: DEP: remove extradoc keyword in _distn_infrastructure
#15829: DEP: remove sym_pos-keyword of scipy.linalg.solve
#15852: DOC: helper function to seed examples
#15906: Missing degree of freedom parameter in return value from `stats.ttest_ind`
#15985: ENH, DOC: Add section explaining why and when to use a custom…
#15988: DEP: remove deprecated gilbrat distribution
#16014: DEP: remove MaximumFlowResult.residual
#16068: BUG: Missing Constant in Documentation
#16079: BUG: hypergeom.cdf slower in 1.8.0 than 1.7.3
#16196: BUG: OptimizeResult from optimize.minimize_scalar changes ‘x’…
#16269: DEP: remove `maxiter` kwarg in `_minimize_tnc`
#16270: DEP: remove `vertices` kwarg in qhull
#16271: DEP: remove `scipy.spatial.distance.kulsinski`
#16312: Meson complains about an absolute include path
#16322: DOC: building on Windows uses GCC with Meson, not MSVC
#16595: BUG: stats.mode emits annoying RuntimeWarning about nans even…
#16734: BUG: function p1evl in povevl.h not making what’s described
#16803: Update `scipy/` to contain useful information
#16810: ENH: implement Dirichlet-multinomial distribution
#16917: BUG: Windows Built SciPy can’t import _fblas via pip install…
#16929: BUG: `scipy.sparse.csc_matrix.argmin` returns wrong values
#16949: Test failures for `gges` and `qz` for float32 input in macOS…
#16971: BUG: [issue in scipy.optimize.shgo, for COBYLA’s minimizer_kwargs…
#16998: Unpickled and deepcopied distributions do not use global random…
#17024: ENH: Force real part of Rotation.as_quat() to be positive.
#17107: BUG: The signature of cKDTree.query_pairs in the docs does not…
#17137: BUG: optimize: Intermittent failure of `test_milp_timeout_16545`
#17146: BUG: Scipy stats probability greater than 1
#17214: BUG: scipy.stats.mode: inconsistent shape with `axis=None`…
#17234: BUG: cythonization / compliation failure with development branch…
#17250: ENH: Expose parallel HiGHS solvers in high-level API
#17281: BUG: using LinearOperator as RHS operand of @ causes a NumPy…
#17285: ENH: Expose DisjointSet._sizes
#17312: ENH: Clarify that ndimage.find_objects returns slices ordered…
#17335: ENH: change term zero to root in newton
#17368: BUG: import scipy.stats fails under valgrind
#17378: griddata linear / LinearNDInterpolator unexpected behavior
#17381: BUG: FutureWarning in distance_transform_cdt
#17388: BUG: stats.binom: Boost binomial distribution edge case bug?
#17403: DOC: There is no general `scipy.sparse` page in the user guide
#17431: ENH: ECDF in scipy.
#17456: ENH: custom stopping criteria with auxiliary function
#17516: BUG: Error in documentation for scipy.optimize.minimize
#17532: DOC: side bar renders over the top of some of the text in the…
#17548: CI: The Ubuntu 18.04 Actions runner image is deprecated
#17570: ENH: optimize.root_scalar: default to `newton` when only `x0`…
#17576: ENH: override fit method for von mises
#17593: BUG: cannot import name ‘permutation_test’ from ‘scipy.stats’
#17604: DOC: optimize.curve_fit: documentation of `fvec` is not specific
#17620: ENH: Cachable normalisation parameter for frozen distributions
#17631: BUG: numerical issues for cdf/ppf of the betaprime distribution
#17639: BUG: “xl” not returned if success = False for scipy.optimize.shgo
#17652: Check for non-running tests because of test function name and…
#17667: BUG: Wrong p-values with Wilcoxon signed-rank test because of…
#17683: TST: stats: Several functions with no tests in `stats.mstats`
#17713: BUG: `_axis_nan_policy` changes some common `TypeError`s
#17725: BUG: spatial: Bad error message from `hamming` when `w` has…
#17749: ENH: Compute non centraled moments with `stats.moment`?
#17754: Cosine distance of vector to self returns small non-zero answer…
#17776: BUG: dblquad and args kwarg
#17788: ENH: Scipy Optimize, equal Bounds should be directly passed to…
#17805: BUG: stats: dgamma.sf and dgamma.cdf lose precision in the tails
#17809: BUG: CDF and PMF of binomial function not same with extreme values
#17815: DOC: improve documentation for distance_transform_{cdt,edt}
#17819: BUG: `stats.ttest_ind_from_stats` doesn’t check whether standard…
#17828: DOC: UnivariateSpline does not have any documentation or a reference.
#17845: BUG: 1.10.0 FIR Decimation is broken when supplying ftype as…
#17846: BUG: Infinite loop in scipy.integrate.solve_ivp()
#17860: DOC: Incorrect link to ARPACK
#17866: DOC: Should `Result Classes` be its own top level section?
#17911: DOC: Formula of Tustin formula in scipy.signal.bilinear misses…
#17913: Unexpected behaviour of pearsonr pvalue for one sided tests
#17916: BUG: scipy 1.10.0 crashes when using a large float in skellam…
#17941: DOC: guidance on setting build -j flag in documentation,…
#17954: BUG: failure in lobpcg
#17970: BUG: ILP64 build issue on Python 3.11
#17985: DOC: update wheel generation process
#17992: BUG: matlab files with deeply lists of arrays with different…
#17999: DOC: incorrect example for stats.cramervonmises
#18026: BUG: stats: Error from e.g. `stats.betabinom.stats(10, 2, 3,…
#18067: ENH: stats: resampling/Monte Carlo configuration object
#18069: ENH: stats.ttest_ind is inconsistent with R. It does not allow…
#18071: BUG: rv_continuous.stats fails to converge when trying to estimate…
#18074: BUG: wrong dependencies for pooch
#18078: BUG: `QMCEngine.reset()` semantics and passed `Generator`…
#18079: BUG: `Halton(seed=rng)` does not consume `Generator` PRNG…
#18106: BUG: Linprog reports failure despite success convergence, given…
#18115: BUG: ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence for…
#18117: BUG: stats: large errors in genhyperbolic.cdf and .sf for large…
#18119: DOC: The comment about `fmin_powell` is wrong
#18123: BUG: [mmread] Error while reading mtx file with spaces before…
#18132: BUG: invalid output and behavior of scipy.stats.somersd
#18139: BUG: Overflow in ‘new’ implementation of scipy.stats.kendalltau
#18143: Building from source on Windows 32-bit Python did not succeed
#18171: BUG: optimize.root_scalar: should return normally with `converged=False`…
#18223: BUG: cKDTree segmentation faults when NaN input and balanced_tree=False,…
#18226: ENH: stats.geometric.entropy: implement analytical formula
#18239: DOC: linking to custom BLAS/LAPACK locations is not clear
#18254: BUG: stats.mode: failure with array of Pandas integers
#18271: Broken or wrong formulas on distance definition
#18272: BUG: stats: occasional failure of `test_multivariate.TestOrthoGroup.test_det_and_ortho`
#18274: BUG: stats: Spurious warnings from ``
#18282: Incompatible pointer warning from `stats._rcond`
#18302: BUG: beta.pdf is broken on main (1.11.0.dev0)
#18322: BUG: scipy.stats.shapiro gives a negative pvalue
#18326: ENH: milp supporting sparse inputs
#18329: BUG: meson generates `warning: “MS_WIN64” redefined` when building…
#18368: DOC: Issue in scipy.stats.chisquare
#18377: BUG: `const` signature changes in `cython_blas` and `cython_lapack`…
#18388: Question about usage of _MACHEPS
#18407: CI: test_enzo_example_c_with_unboundedness started failing
#18415: BUG: Windows compilation error with Intel Fortran in PROPACK
#18425: DOC: clarify that scipy.ndimage.sobel does not compute the 2D…
#18443: BLD: errors when building SciPy on Windows with Meson
#18456: ENH: Allow passing non-varying arguments for the model function…
#18484: DEP: Warn on deprecated windows-import in base `scipy.signal`…
#18485: DEP: deprecate multiple-ellipsis handling in sparse matrix indexing
#18494: CI: occasional failure of `test_minimum_spanning_tree`
#18497: MAINT, BUG: guard against non-finite kd-tree queries
#18498: TST: interpolate overflow xslow tests (low priority)
#18525: DOC: sparse doc build warning causing failure (including in CI)
#18535: DOC: Dev branch docs render Dev TOC while viewing API Reference
#18547: CI: occasionally failing test `test_minimize_callback_copies_array[fmin]`
#18595: BUG: notes needs a small shim
#18597: CI, BUG: Cirrus wheel upload fails on maintenance branch
#18600: BUG: SciPy 1.11.0rc1 not buildable on PPC due to boost submodule
#18632: 1.11.0rc1: remaining test failures in conda-forge
#18634: BUG: stats.truncnorm.moments yields error for moment order greater…
#18654: BUG: ci/circleci: build_scipy broken
#18675: BUG: `signal.detrend` on main no longer accepts a sequence…
#18732: TST, MAINT: some tests blocking 1.11.0 on MacOS ARM64 with NumPy…
Pull requests for 1.11.0#
#8727: BUG: vq.kmeans() compares signed diff to a threshold.
#12787: ENH: add anderson darling test for weibull #10829
#13699: ENH: stats: Add handling of censored data to univariate cont….
#14069: Use warnings instead of print statements
#15073: TST/MAINT: Parametrize `_METRICS_NAMES` & replace `assert_raises`…
#15841: Overhaul `factorial{,2,k}`: API coherence, bug fixes & consistent…
#15873: DEP: remove sym_pos argument from linalg.solve
#15877: DEP: remove extradoc in _distn_infrastructure
#15929: DEP: `lsim2` deprecated in favor of `lsim`
#15958: CI: move `prerelease_deps_coverage_64bit_blas` to GitHub actions.
#16071: ENH: Add missing “characteristic impedance of vacuum”
#16313: MAINT: Update optimize.shgo
#16782: ENH: stats: optimised fit for the truncated Pareto distribution
#16839: ENH: stats: optimised MLE for the lognormal distribution
#16936: BUG: sparse: fix argmin/argmax when all entries are nonzero
#16961: ENH: optimize: Add `nan_policy` optional argument for `curve_fit`.
#16996: ENH: stats.anderson_ksamp: add permutation version of test
#17116: MAINT: Adjust Pull-Request labeler configuration
#17208: DOC: Add triage guide
#17211: ENH: Implemented Dirichlet-multinomial distribution (#16810)
#17212: Guard against integer overflows in fitpackmodule.c
#17235: MAINT: pass check_finite to the vq() call of kmeans2()
#17267: DOC/MAINT: special: Several updates for tklmbda
#17268: DOC: special: Show that lambertw can solve x = a + b*exp(c*x)
#17287: DOC: Clarify minimum_spanning_tree behavior in non-connected…
#17310: DOC: missing-bits: document recommendations on return object…
#17322: DOC: Add notebook infrastructure for the docs
#17326: ENH: Clarify the index of element corresponding to a label in…
#17334: ENH: Map the rotation quaternion double cover of rotation space…
#17402: ENH: stats: add false discovery rate control function
#17410: ENH: stats.multivariate_t: add cdf method
#17432: BLD: Boost.Math standalone submodule
#17451: DEP: Remove `vertices` in qhull.
#17455: Deprecate scipy.signal.{bspline, quadratic, cubic}
#17479: ENH: Add new SI prefixes
#17480: ENH: stats: Implement _sf and _isf for halfnorm, gibrat, gompertz.
#17483: MAINT: optimize.basinhopping: fix acceptance of failed local…
#17486: ENH: optimize.minimize: callback enhancements
#17499: MAINT: remove use of `NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY`
#17505: ENH: Add relativistic Breit-Wigner Distribution
#17529: ENH: stats: Implement powerlaw._sf
#17531: TST: scipy.signal.order_filter: add test coverage
#17535: MAINT: special: Improve comments about Cephes p1evl function.
#17538: ENH: Extending _distance_pybind with additional distance metrics…
#17541: REL: set version to 1.11.0.dev0
#17553: DOC: optimize.curve_fit: add note about `pcov` condition number
#17555: DEP: stats: removal of kwargs n in stats.moment and alpha in…
#17556: DEV: bump flake8 version used in CI job
#17557: MAINT: bump Ubuntu version in Azure CI
#17561: MAINT: stats.mode: remove deprecated features, smooth edges
#17562: ENH: stats: Implement _ppf for the betaprime distribution.
#17563: DEP: stats: remove misspelt gilbrat distribution
#17566: DOC: correct, update, and extend `lobpcg` docstring info and…
#17567: MAINT: Update gitpod setup
#17573: DOC: Update testing documentation to
#17574: MAINT: clean up `NPY_OLD` usage in Cython code and build files
#17581: DOC fix trivial typo in description of loggamma in
#17585: ENH: Von Mises distribution fit
#17587: BUG: stats: Avoid overflow/underflow issues in loggamma _cdf,…
#17589: BUG: FutureWarning in distance_transform_cdt
#17590: DEP: raise on >1-dim inputs for optimize.minimize
#17595: DOC: optimize.line_search: note that `pk` must be a descent…
#17597: DOC: Add Legacy directive
#17603: DEP: remove spatial.distance.kulsinski
#17605: DOC: example of epidemic model with LHS
#17608: DOC: curve_fit - clarify fvec output
#17610: DOC: add example to chi2_contingency
#17613: DOC: curve_fit, include sigma
#17615: MAINT: scipy.optimize.root: fix error when both args and jac…
#17616: MAINT: optimize.minimize: enhance `callback` for remaining…
#17617: DEP: remove MaximumFlowResult.residual
#17618: DOC: fix unicode in qmc example
#17622: MAINT: optimize.root_scalar: raise when NaN is encountered
#17624: ENH: add von Mises-Fisher distribution
#17625: DOC: Examples for special functions related to the student t…
#17626: DOC: improve docstrings of exp. scaled Bessel functions
#17628: ENH: add Sobol’ indices
#17629: DOC: stats: example treatment odd_ratio
#17637: DEP: switch default of special.comb to legacy=False
#17643: TST: interpolate/rgi: Add tests for descending ordered points
#17649: fix documentation lines
#17651: Update removing no longer necessary QR for LOBPCG output
#17654: MAINT:interpolate:Add .c file to .gitignore
#17655: DEV: add check for misnamed tests
#17657: DEV: streamline OpenBLAS handling on Win machine
#17660: MAINT: optimize.newton: converged=False when secant has zero…
#17663: DOC: optimize.curve_fit: example output may vary
#17664: MAINT: optimize.root_scalar: fix underflow sign check bug
#17665: DOC: mention inaccuracy of curve_fit result `pcov`
#17666: DOC: optimize.root_scalar: harmonize documentation and implementation…
#17668: ENH: stats.loguniform: reformulate methods to avoid overflow
#17669: MAINT: optimize.newton: avoid error with complex `x0`
#17674: DOC: optimize: add tutorial example of passing kwargs to callable
#17675: ENH: update
#17676: BUG: correctly handle array-like types in
#17678: DOC: optimize: show how memoization avoids duplicating work
#17679: ENH: optimize.minimize: add bound constraints to COBYLA
#17680: DOC: examples for special functions related to neg. binomial…
#17682: DOC: add real example for `stats.chisquare`
#17684: ENH: support `Bounds` class in lsq_linear
#17685: ENH: stats: Implement _sf for the foldnorm distribution.
#17687: MAINT: optimize.toms748: correct “rtol too small” message
#17688: MAINT: optimize.curve_fit: memoize `f` and `jac`
#17691: ENH: optimize.root_scalar: allow newton without f’, secant without…
#17692: MAINT: optimize.minimize_scalar: enforce output shape consistency
#17693: DOC: pointbiserialr correlation formula notation fix.
#17694: ENH: stats: Implement _sf and _isf for halfcauchy; _sf for foldcauchy
#17698: MAINT: implicit float conversion in rgi test
#17700: ENH: Inverse wishart entropy
#17701: DOC: stats: Fix a reference for the genexpon distribution.
#17702: DOC: stats: complete references and links for descriptive stats
#17704: MAINT: optimize.bracket: don’t fail silently
#17705: DOC: optimize.minimize_scalar and friends: correct documentation…
#17707: DOC: add acetazolamide example to `stats.fisher_exact`
#17708: ENH: stats: Implement _ppf and _isf for genexpon.
#17709: MAINT: update copyright date
#17711: MAINT: forward port 1.10.0 relnotes
#17714: ENH: Provide public API for fast DisjointSet subset size.
#17724: DOC: spatial: Several updates:
#17729: STY: fix unicode error
#17730: MAINT: rotate CircleCI ssh key
#17732: MAINT: optimize.toms748: don’t do newton after secant interpolation
#17742: ENH: override _entropy for beta, chi and chi2 distributions
#17747: DOC: stats.jarque_bera: add semi-realistic example
#17750: ENH: Support multinomial distributions with n=0 trials.
#17758: ENH: analytical formula for f distribution entropy
#17759: DOC: stats.skewtest: add semi-realistic example
#17762: DOC: remove space between directive name and double colon
#17763: DOC: single -> double colon for directive.
#17764: ENH: entropy for matrix normal distribution
#17765: DOC: stats: additional normality test examples
#17767: DOC: stats: reorganize hypothesis tests in main page
#17768: TST: special: fix incorrectly named tests
#17769: DOC/BUG: add missing entropy methods in docstrings
#17770: TST: stats: fixed misnamed tests
#17772: MAINT: remove unused test utility functions
#17773: DOC: stats: add realistic examples to correlation tests
#17778: DOC: stats: add realistic examples to variance tests
#17780: MAINT: optimize.minimize: fix new callback interface when parameter…
#17784: DOC: linalg: fix docstring of `linalg.sqrtm`
#17786: DOC: examples for ndtr, ndtri
#17791: DEP: remove maxiter kwarg in _minimize_tnc
#17793: MAINT: remove divide by zero in differential_evolution
#17794: TST: Added test suite for dgamma distribution
#17812: MAINT: add (optional) pre-commit hook
#17813: MAINT: integrate.qmc_quad: re-introduce qmc_quad
#17816: MAINT: allow typed method in `stats.sobol_indices`
#17817: MAINT: remove unused args parameter from `qmc_quad`
#17818: BUG/ENH: stats: several updates for dgamma.
#17820: DOC/BUG: plot `ndtri` only where it is defined
#17824: ENH: analytical entropy for invgauss distribution
#17825: DOC: optimize: change term zero to root
#17829: DOC: stats: document RNG behavior when distribution is deepcopied
#17830: MAINT: stats._axis_nan_policy: raise appropriate TypeErrors
#17834: MAINT: improve accuracy of betaprime cdf in scipy.stats
#17835: DOC: integrate: document limitation of numerical integration
#17836: DOC: integrate.solve_ivp: clarify impact of parameter `vectorized`
#17837: DEP: integrate.nquad: deprecate parameter `full_output`
#17838: DOC: integrate.quad: behavior is not guaranteed for divergent…
#17841: DOC: linalg: expand pinv example
#17842: DOC, MAINT: Add issue template for Documentation issues
#17848: ENH: implement _sf and _isf for powernorm distribution
#17849: ENH: special: Add the function _scaled_exp1
#17852: MAINT: optimize: improve `optimize.curve_fit` doc and error…
#17853: DOC: integrate.dblquad/tplquad: update result descriptions
#17857: MAINT: analytical formula for genlogistic entropy
#17865: MAINT: stats: fix recent CI and other issues
#17867: DOC: note on negative variables for linprog
#17868: ENH: add analytical formula for Nakagami distribution entropy
#17873: ENH: Added analytical formula for dgamma distribution entropy…
#17874: ENH: Added analytical formula for truncnorm entropy (#17748)
#17876: DOC: remove hidden stats sections from sidebar/toctree
#17878: Lint everything
#17879: DOC: add docs for the main namespace
#17881: BUG: Fix handling on user-supplied filters in `signal.decimate`
#17882: BLD: fix Meson build warnings about multiple targets
#17883: DOC: Clarified the meaning of optional arguments in optimize.leastsq
#17886: ENH: Warn about missing boundary when NOLA condition failed in…
#17889: DOC: Cleanup development guide
#17892: MAINT: stats: Post-“lint everything” clean up in stats.
#17894: MAINT: update .gitignore with meson and linter
#17895: DOC: config info in issue template
#17897: MAINT: Update the “lint everything” SHA in .git-blame-ignore-revs
#17898: DOC: remove hidden submodules from sidebar
#17899: MAINT: use conda for linters
#17900: Re-implement pre-commit hook in Python
#17906: DOC: interpolate: add a note against using triangulation based…
#17907: DOC: stats.wilcoxon: warn about roundoff errors in x-y
#17908: ENH: powerlognormal distribution improvements
#17909: ENH: improve accuracy of betaprime ppf in scipy.stats
#17915: DOC: Add warning to butter function docstring
#17921: CI: clean conda index upon cache invalidation
#17922: DOC: corrected doc of bilinear discretization of lti
#17929: ENH: stats.nakagami.entropy: improve formulation
#17930: ENH: use asymptotic expansions for entropy of `genlogistic`…
#17937: DOC: Update pip + venv instructions in the contributor documentation…
#17939: DOC: ttest_ind_from_stats: discuss negative stdev
#17943: ENH: early exit random-cd optimization in 1D
#17944: pre-commit should fail when fixes are made by Ruff
#17945: DOC: remove seed in HTML only
#17946: ENH: Maxwell distribution `sf`/`isf` override
#17947: TST: Update list of modules for import cycle checks
#17948: STY: fix only staged files.
#17949: ENH: stats.dirichlet_multinomial: vectorize implementation
#17950: MAINT: bump OpenBLAS version, bump macOS image used in GHA
#17956: MAINT: optimize.dual_annealing: fix callable jac with args
#17959: MAINT: update supported versions of Python and NumPy to follow…
#17961: ENH: optimize.linprog: pass unrecognized options to HiGHS verbatim
#17964: DEP: integrate.quad_vec: deprecate parameter full_output
#17967: MAINT: Fully qualify std::move invocations to fix clang -Wunqualified-std-cast-call
#17971: ENH: stats: add axis tuple and nan_policy to `sem` and `iqr`
#17975: BUG: Update
#17976: DOC/MAINT: simplify release entries
#17980: FIX: CI: avoid passing Cython files to ruff
#17982: MAINT: add release entries move to blame ignore
#17987: DOC: move .rst.txt to source and cleaning around generating doc
#17989: MAINT: sparse.linalg: remove unused __main__ code
#17990: BLD: make musllinux wheels for nightly
#17998: ENH: optimize.RootResults: make `RootResults` an `OptimizeResult`
#18000: DOC: stats, interpolate: Fix some minor docstring issues.
#18002: ENH: override halflogistic `sf` and `isf`
#18003: ENH: improve halfnorm CDF precision
#18006: BLD: use a relative path to numpy include and library directories
#18008: MAINT: forward port 1.10.1 relnotes
#18013: MAINT: maintain backward compatibility
#18015: TST: optimize.root_scalar: refactor tests and add Chandrupatla…
#18016: Add axes argument to ndimage filters
#18018: DOC: Add an example showing how to plot Rotations to the docs
#18019: add tests for `trimmed_var` and `trimmed_std` in `stats.mstats`
#18020: TST: stats.mstats: add `median_cihs`/`sen_seasonal_slopes`…
#18021: DEP: linalg: deprecate tri{,u,l}
#18022: DOC: interpolate: link to the gist with the porting guide
#18023: DOC: how to document examples using RNG and also self-contained…
#18027: DOC: fix section title typo in interpolation tutorial
#18028: DOC: fix underlying of title in extrapolate
#18029: fix error from betabinom stats using only integers for a and…
#18032: BLD: add NDEBUG flag for release builds
#18034: BLD: avoid running `run_command(py3, …)`, for better cross-compiling
#18035: ENH: stats: add ecdf function
#18036: BLD: build Windows wheel for py39 against numpy 1.22.3
#18037: DOC/MAINT: fix source button
#18040: DOC: Fix error in doc of _minimize_trustregion_exact
#18043: MAINT: update GH bug template
#18045: MAINT: update codeowners.
#18047: DOC: Update scipy.spatial.distance.pdist docstring to match its…
#18049: STY: Include Python.h before any other headers.
#18050: MAINT: integrate.qmc_quad: correct behavior of parameter `log`
#18052: BLD: use anaconda-client to upload wheels
#18053: DOC fix expectile docstring - empirical CDF
#18058: BLD: use meson-native dependency lookup for pybind11
#18059: Johnson distributions `sf` and `isf` override
#18060: MAINT: remove pavement
#18061: ENH: implement array @ LinearOperator
#18063: DOC: improve documentation for distance_transform_{cdt,edt}
#18064: DOC: add examples in for xlogy
#18066: TST: stats.nct: add test for crash with large nc
#18068: TST: stats.ksone: loosen variance test tolerance
#18070: Docstring: note on bivariate spline axis ordering
#18072: DOC: Modifying t parameter documentation issue in splprep #17893
#18073: MAINT: avoid non-recommended numpy functions and constants
#18075: MAINT: update pooch deps
#18076: DOC: fix docstring typo for `kurtosis` and whitespace in `_continuous_distns`
#18077: BUG: Check for initial state finiteness
#18081: ENH: allow single observation for equal variance in `stats.ttest_ind`
#18082: DOC: add examples for xlog1py
#18083: STY: fix mypy assignment.
#18084: BUG: calculate VDC permutations at init of Halton
#18092: ENH: stats.ecdf: support right-censored data
#18094: ENH: improve entropy calculation of chi distribution using asymptotic…
#18095: ENH: asymptotic expansion for gamma distribution entropy
#18096: MAINT: stats.johnsonsu: override _stats
#18098: ENH: increase available range of Gompertz entropy using scaled_exp1
#18101: DOC: adding references to the UnivariateSpline docstring #17828
#18102: ENH: stats.goodness_of_fit: add Filliben’s test
#18104: BUG: enable matlab nested arrs
#18107: ENH: add Dunnett’s test
#18112: FIX: reset semantic in `QMCEngine.reset`
#18120: Correct the comments about ` fmin_powell` in `scipy/optimize`
#18122: ENH: Added asymptotic expansion for invgamma entropy (#18093)
#18127: MAINT: cleanup inconsistencies in _continous_dists
#18128: MAINT: add test against generic fit method for vonmises distribution
#18129: TST: use `nnlf` instead of `_reduce_func`…
#18130: Some doc updates and small code tweaks.
#18131: ENH: Added asymptotic expansion for gengamma entropy
#18134: ENH: stats: Improve _cdf and implement _sf for genhyperbolic
#18135: Added asymptotic expansion for t entropy (#18093)
#18136: ENH: stats.ecdf: add `confidence_interval` methods
#18137: Bugfix for somersd where an integer overflow could occur
#18138: ENH: improve precision of genlogistic methods
#18144: DOC: Add doc examples for friedmanchisquare
#18145: BLD: emit a warning when building from source on 32-bit Windows
#18149: TST: fix issue with inaccurate `cython_blas` tests
#18150: ENH: add CI and str to Dunnett’s test
#18152: ENH: stats.moment: enable non-central moment calculation
#18157: CI: fix pre-release job that is failing on Cython 3.0b1
#18158: DOC:stats: Fix levy and levy_l descriptions
#18160: BUG: Wrong status returned by _check_result. See #18106. optimize
#18162: ENH: Dweibull entropy
#18168: TST: spatial: skip failing test to make CI green again
#18172: MAINT: optimize.root_scalar: return gracefully when callable…
#18173: DOC: update links for ARPACK to point to ARPACK-NG
#18174: DOC: cite pip issue about multiple `–config-settings`
#18178: ENH: Added `_sf` method for anglit distribution (#17832)
#18181: DOC: wheel build infra updates
#18187: MAINT: stats.ecdf: store number at risk just before events
#18188: BUG: interpolate: add x-y length validation for `make_smoothing_spline`.
#18189: DOC: Fix for side bar rendering on top of text issue
#18190: ENH: fix vonmises fit for bad guess of location parameter
#18193: MAINT: stats.kendalltau: avoid overflow
#18195: MAINT: interpolate: remove duplicated FITPACK interface _fitpack._spl_.
#18196: ENH: add Log rank for survival analysis
#18199: BUG: throw ValueError for mismatched w dimensions and test for…
#18200: TST: stats: Move genexpon from xslow to slow fit test sets.
#18204: MAINT/TST: fix `Slerp` typing and better iv in `Rotation`
#18207: ENH: improve precision of folded normal distribution cdf
#18209: ENH: improve integrate.simpson for even number of points
#18210: ENH: stats.ttest_ind: add degrees of freedom and confidence interval
#18212: ENH: stats.ecdf: add `evaluate` and `plot` methods; restructure…
#18215: DOC: stats: describe attributes of `DunnettResult`
#18216: MAINT: replace use of make_dataclass with explicit dataclasses
#18217: MAINT: stats: consistently return NumPy numbers
#18221: DOC: add guidance on how to make a dataclass for result objects
#18222: MAINT: stats.TTestResult: fix NaN bug in ttest confidence intervals
#18225: ENH:MAINT:linalg det in Cython and with nDarray support
#18227: ENH: stats: resampling methods configuration classes and example…
#18228: ENH: stats.geometric.entropy: implement analytical formula
#18229: ENH: stats.bootstrap: add one-sided confidence intervals
#18230: BUG: nan segfault in KDTree, reject non-finite input
#18231: ENH: stats.monte_carlo_test: add support for multi-sample statistics
#18232: ENH: override dweibull distribution survival and inverse survival…
#18237: MAINT: update typing of Rotation
#18238: MAINT:optimize: shgo assorted fixes
#18240: fix typo
#18241: MAINT: remove Gitpod in favour of GitHub CodeSpaces
#18242: MAINT: Allow scipy to be compiled in cython3
#18243: TST: stats.dunnett: fix seed in test_shapes
#18245: DOC: remove content related to `` usage from the docs
#18246: ci: touch up wheel build action
#18247: BLD: Add const to Cython signatures for BLAS/LAPACK
#18248: BLD: implement version check for minimum Cython version
#18251: DOC: orthogonal_procrustes fix date of reference paper and DOI
#18257: BLD: fix missing build dependency on cython signature .txt files
#18258: DOC: fix link in release notes v1.7
#18261: Add axes support to uniform_filter, minimum_filter, maximum_filter
#18263: BUG: some tweaks to PROPACK f2py wrapper and build flags
#18264: MAINT: remove `from numpy.math cimport` usages, update `npy_blas.h`
#18266: MAINT: Explicitly mark `cdef` functions not raising exception…
#18269: ENH: stats: Implement _sf and _isf for exponweib.
#18270: CI: test meson-python from its main branch in one CI job
#18275: TST: stats: infrastructure for generation of distribution function…
#18276: MAINT: stats.betaprime: avoid spurious warnings in `fit`, `stats`
#18280: DOC: spatial.distance: update formula for {s,sq}euclidean
#18281: BLD: Enable incompatible pointer types warnings
#18284: DOC: improved gmres doc on preconditioning (scipy.sparse.linalg)
#18285: MAINT: Remove codecov
#18287: DOC: `distance_transform_bf` example
#18288: TST: stats.ortho_group: improve determinant distribution test
#18289: MAINT: mmread allow leading whitespace
#18290: DEP: stats.mode: raise with non-numeric input
#18291: TST: stats._axis_nan_policy: add test that decorated function…
#18292: CI: add CircleCI API token to fix html preview link
#18293: BUG: fix for incompatible pointer warning from stats._rcond #18282
#18294: CI: remove `` based jobs from GitHub Actions and run…
#18297: MAINT: linalg.solve_discrete_are: fix typo in error message
#18299: DOC: interpolate: add see also references for data on regular…
#18301: CI: remove `` and related scripts/files
#18303: DOC: css adjustment in dark mode and hidden toctree in dev section
#18304: MAINT: update boost_math
#18305: ENH: ndimage: add axes argument to rank_filter, percentile_filter,…
#18307: DOC: add cdf under methods for multivariate t distribution
#18311: CI: move lint job from Azure to GHA
#18312: CI: move gcc-8 test to GHA
#18313: CI: remove asv from AzureCI
#18314: CI: remove scikit-umfpack/sparse from Azure testing
#18315: CI: remove coverage jobs
#18318: MAINT: Mark function pointer ctypedefs as noexcept
#18320: CI: migrate ref guide-check to CircleCI
#18321: Revert “ENH: stats.anderson_ksamp: add permutation version of…
#18323: ENH: increase available range of vonmises `fit`
#18324: ENH: add `entropy` method for multivariate t distribution
#18325: CI: move Azure cp39/full/win job to GHA
#18327: MAINT: optimize.milp: improve behavior for unexpected sparse…
#18328: MAINT: stats.shapiro: override p-value when len(x)==3
#18330: BLD: avoid build warnings on Windows, bump pybind11 and meson…
#18332: TST: fix minor tolerance issue for `stats.multivariate_t` test
#18333: CI: windows cp311 use-pythran=false full, sdist GHA
#18337: MAINT: update boost_math
#18339: TST: optimize: fix test_milp_timeout
#18340: DOC: interpolate: declare Rbf legacy
#18341: DEP: signal: deprecate using medfilt and order_filter with float128…
#18342: TST: stats.mstats.median_cihs: strengthen test
#18343: MAINT: use (python >= 3.8)
#18344: MAINT: Set cython compiler directive cpow to True
#18345: DEV: work around pathlib bug affecting for Python 3.9…
#18349: MAINT: stats.dgamma.entropy: avoid deprecated NumPy usage and…
#18350: TST: use np not math for functions to avoid conversion of ndim>0…
#18351: CI: remove Azure sdist job
#18352: MAINT: stats: more avoidance of deprecated NumPy usage
#18353: Migrate ruff.toml configuration to lint.toml
#18355: ENH: allow dividing LinearOperator by number
#18357: MAINT: clearer error in `LinearOperator * spmatrix`
#18358: ENH:MAINT:linalg:lu Cythonized and ndarray support added
#18359: MAINT: Fix broken link in
#18360: DOC: improve neg. binomial function examples in `special`
#18362: MAINT: Add noexcept function declaration to `_cythonized_array_utils.pxd`
#18369: CI: bdist_wheel windows job Azure –> GHA
#18370: DOC: stats.chisquare: attribute is pvalue, not p
#18374: CI: pin to rtools40
#18378: DOC: add output_type to signature of cKDTree.query_pairs
#18379: TST/MAINT: remove vonmises fit correctnes test for extreme kappa…
#18380: MAINT: Limit fittable data for von mises fisher distribution…
#18382: TST: stats.cosine: modify test to silence failure
#18383: MAINT: add smoke testing of signal.detrend
#18384: DOC: improve vonmises documentation
#18387: DOC: interpolate: deduplicate docstrings in _fitpack_py and _fitpack_impl
#18392: BUG: optimize.differential_evolution: fix division by zero error
#18399: DOC: Replace “HACKING” with “hacking”
#18400: DOC: improve description of the method argument in mannwhitneyu
#18402: TST: fix failing tests
#18405: Revert “BLD: Add const to Cython signatures for BLAS/LAPACK (#18247)”
#18410: TST: fix test failures in linprog unboundedness test
#18411: BLD: an Intel Fortran fix and MinGW-related cleanups
#18412: MAINT: signal: simplify shape manipulations in signal.detrend
#18413: MAINT: Harmonized documentation for Interpolator classes
#18414: CI: move last Azure job to GHA
#18418: Fix warning when `nogil` is placed before `except`
#18419: MAINT: interpolate: remove unused codes in `_fitpackmodule.c`.
#18421: BLD: more PROPACK fixes, removing timer code
#18422: MAINT: stats: genexpon is no longer too slow for test_rvs_broadcast.
#18426: BLD: fix two `-Duse-g77-abi` regressions and a PROPACK bug
#18427: ENH: prevent unnecessary computation in `scipy.stats.rankdata`
#18429: DOC: rewrite all build docs and restructure build/contributor…
#18430: MAINT: stats.mode: improve `nan_policy` behavior
#18433: ENH: improve t distribution logpdf and pdf for large degrees…
#18438: BLD: DOC: fix Sphinx doc build caching behavior for `.dev`…
#18439: BLD: detect `xsimd` if it’s installed and add to pythran dependency
#18441: ENH:stats: add sf method for betaprime
#18442: TST: fix precision of several linalg/sparse.linalg tests
#18444: DOC: clarify Sobel transform
#18446: MAINT: fix Deb03 GO benchmark
#18447: DOC: remove references to Azure
#18449: ENH: increase truncated exponential distribution sf/isf precision
#18451: DEV: use number of physical cores in ` build` by default
#18454: DOC: add `distance_transform_cdt` example
#18455: MAINT: simplifiy detrend
#18458: DOC: odr: clarify `cov_beta` is not scaled by the residual…
#18459: DOC: optimize: add use of functools.partial to tutorial
#18460: DOC: examples for `ndimage.generic_filter`
#18461: TST: stats: ReferenceDistribution: use complementary methods…
#18462: MAINT: Clean up scipy/sparse/linalg/_isolve/tests/
#18463: MAINT: parametrize scipy/sparse/linalg/_isolve/tests/
#18466: DOC: fix issues in `svds` docstring examples that were failing…
#18468: BLD: enforce utf-8 in tools/, and some cleanups
#18472: MAINT: remove lsim2/impulse2/step2 docstring examples
#18475: DOC: remove warnings in doc build
#18476: TST: stats/optimize: filter warnings in tests
#18482: MAINT: ensure Nelder-Mead respects floating point type
#18486: DOC: remove already-resolved deprecation warning filter
#18489: DEP: signal: deprecate importing window functions from signal…
#18493: BUG: stats: Fix the variable that is checked to skip a test.
#18500: MAINT: tweak code comment for list of private-but-present modules
#18501: TST: interpolate: add a regression test for bisplev integer overflow
#18502: BUG: guard against non-finite kd-tree queries
#18503: Fix PPoly readonly issue for c parameter
#18504: MAINT: upload nighlighties to new location
#18505: MAINT: sparse: Generalize isshape to (optionally) handle non-2d…
#18507: Clean up sparse array API
#18508: ENH: Ensure that the result of divide(sparse, dense) is sparse
#18509: Remove indices downcasting for sparse arrays
#18510: TST: Add regression tests for sparse creation functions.
#18513: MAINT: sparse: cosmetic updates + typing for sputils
#18516: DOC: add user guide page introing new sparse arrays
#18522: Pin prerelease pipeline with Cython>=3.0.0b3
#18523: TST: piecemeal updates to `` for sparray conversion
#18526: DOC: Fix broken reference to count_nonzero in See Also.
#18527: try stable sort in mst tree ordering
#18528: ENH: Update isspmatrix behavior
#18531: Class names to enable isinstance
#18532: Fix format property in
#18536: Add deprecation notices to sparse array docs
#18538: ENH: sparse: Add _array version of `diags` creation functions.
#18539: DOC: sparse: Document sparse canonical formats
#18540: MAINT: sparse: Deprecate multi-Ellipsis indexing
#18542: ENH: sparse: add nanmin/nanmax (followup on gh-8902)
#18543: MAINT: optimize.root_scalar: ensure that root is a scalar
#18545: TST: speed up `test_import_cycles`
#18549: TST: optimize: filter RuntimeWarning that does not indicate test…
#18550: DOC: optimize.OptimizeResult: note that not all listed attributes…
#18551: Replace sparse __getattr__ with properties
#18553: BENCH: sparse: Add a benchmark for sparse matrix power
#18554: BUG: sparse: Fix DIA.tocoo canonical format setting
#18556: MAINT: io: replace isspmatrix with issparse in mmio module
#18560: MAINT: integrate: revert`full_output` deprecation / result…
#18562: fix doc strings for csr_array and friends
#18563: DOC: SciPy 1.11.0 release notes
#18591: MAINT: version bounds for 1.11.0rc1
#18596: DOC: Fix sidebar for API reference pages
#18598: CI: fix wheel upload to anaconda [wheel build]
#18599: Revert “ENH: sparse: Add _array version of `diags` creation…
#18608: Fix typo of module name in deprecation warning
#18629: Mark `void` functions as `noexcept` in _rotation.pyx
#18630: MAINT: stats: remove long double support for all boost ufuncs
#18636: MAINT: stats.truncnorm/stats.betaprime: fix _munp for higher…
#18657: MAINT: fix ‘no such option’ error in build_scipy CI
#18658: TST: fix two test failures that showed up on conda-forge
#18659: DOC: `scipy._sensitivity_analysis`: correct statement about…
#18671: MAINT: backports for 1.11.0rc2
#18672: BUG: small shim for release process
#18676: BUG: signal: fix detrend with array-like bp
#18697: MAINT: NumPy 1.25.0 shims for arm64
#18698: DEP: interpolate: delay interp2d deprecation and update link
#18724: MAINT, REL: prepare for SciPy 1.11.0 “final”
#18737: TST: flaky TestSOSFreqz::test_fs_param
#18738: TST: flaky `test_complex_iir_dlti`