
scipy.stats.dirichlet_multinomial = <scipy.stats._multivariate.dirichlet_multinomial_gen object>[source]#

A Dirichlet multinomial random variable.

The Dirichlet multinomial distribution is a compound probability distribution: it is the multinomial distribution with number of trials n and class probabilities p randomly sampled from a Dirichlet distribution with concentration parameters alpha.


The concentration parameters. The number of entries along the last axis determines the dimensionality of the distribution. Each entry must be strictly positive.

nint or array_like

The number of trials. Each element must be a non-negative integer.

seed{None, int, np.random.RandomState, np.random.Generator}, optional

Used for drawing random variates. If seed is None, the RandomState singleton is used. If seed is an int, a new RandomState instance is used, seeded with seed. If seed is already a RandomState or Generator instance, then that object is used. Default is None.


logpmf(x, alpha, n):

Log of the probability mass function.

pmf(x, alpha, n):

Probability mass function.

mean(alpha, n):

Mean of the Dirichlet multinomial distribution.

var(alpha, n):

Variance of the Dirichlet multinomial distribution.

cov(alpha, n):

The covariance of the Dirichlet multinomial distribution.

See also


The dirichlet distribution.


The multinomial distribution.



Dirichlet-multinomial distribution, Wikipedia,


>>> from scipy.stats import dirichlet_multinomial

Get the PMF

>>> n = 6  # number of trials
>>> alpha = [3, 4, 5]  # concentration parameters
>>> x = [1, 2, 3]  # counts
>>> dirichlet_multinomial.pmf(x, alpha, n)

If the sum of category counts does not equal the number of trials, the probability mass is zero.

>>> dirichlet_multinomial.pmf(x, alpha, n=7)

Get the log of the PMF

>>> dirichlet_multinomial.logpmf(x, alpha, n)

Get the mean

>>> dirichlet_multinomial.mean(alpha, n)
array([1.5, 2. , 2.5])

Get the variance

>>> dirichlet_multinomial.var(alpha, n)
array([1.55769231, 1.84615385, 2.01923077])

Get the covariance

>>> dirichlet_multinomial.cov(alpha, n)
array([[ 1.55769231, -0.69230769, -0.86538462],
       [-0.69230769,  1.84615385, -1.15384615],
       [-0.86538462, -1.15384615,  2.01923077]])

Alternatively, the object may be called (as a function) to fix the alpha and n parameters, returning a “frozen” Dirichlet multinomial random variable.

>>> dm = dirichlet_multinomial(alpha, n)
>>> dm.pmf(x)

All methods are fully vectorized. Each element of x and alpha is a vector (along the last axis), each element of n is an integer (scalar), and the result is computed element-wise.

>>> x = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> alpha = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> n = [6, 15]
>>> dirichlet_multinomial.pmf(x, alpha, n)
array([0.06493506, 0.02626937])
>>> dirichlet_multinomial.cov(alpha, n).shape  # both covariance matrices
(2, 3, 3)

Broadcasting according to standard NumPy conventions is supported. Here, we have four sets of concentration parameters (each a two element vector) for each of three numbers of trials (each a scalar).

>>> alpha = [[3, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7]]
>>> n = [[6], [7], [8]]
>>> dirichlet_multinomial.mean(alpha, n).shape
(3, 4, 2)