
scipy.special.betainc(a, b, x, out=None) = <ufunc 'betainc'>#

Regularized incomplete beta function.

Computes the regularized incomplete beta function, defined as [1]:

\[I_x(a, b) = \frac{\Gamma(a+b)}{\Gamma(a)\Gamma(b)} \int_0^x t^{a-1}(1-t)^{b-1}dt,\]

for \(0 \leq x \leq 1\).

This function is the cumulative distribution function for the beta distribution; its range is [0, 1].

a, barray_like

Positive, real-valued parameters


Real-valued such that \(0 \leq x \leq 1\), the upper limit of integration

outndarray, optional

Optional output array for the function values

scalar or ndarray

Value of the regularized incomplete beta function

See also


beta function


inverse of the regularized incomplete beta function


complement of the regularized incomplete beta function


beta distribution


The term regularized in the name of this function refers to the scaling of the function by the gamma function terms shown in the formula. When not qualified as regularized, the name incomplete beta function often refers to just the integral expression, without the gamma terms. One can use the function beta from scipy.special to get this “nonregularized” incomplete beta function by multiplying the result of betainc(a, b, x) by beta(a, b).

betainc(a, b, x) is treated as a two parameter family of functions of a single variable x, rather than as a function of three variables. This impacts only the limiting cases a = 0, b = 0, a = inf, b = inf.

In general

\[\lim_{(a, b) \rightarrow (a_0, b_0)} \mathrm{betainc}(a, b, x)\]

is treated as a pointwise limit in x. Thus for example, betainc(0, b, 0) equals 0 for b > 0, although it would be indeterminate when considering the simultaneous limit (a, x) -> (0+, 0+).

This function wraps the ibeta routine from the Boost Math C++ library [2].



NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions


The Boost Developers. “Boost C++ Libraries”.


Let \(B(a, b)\) be the beta function.

>>> import scipy.special as sc

The coefficient in terms of gamma is equal to \(1/B(a, b)\). Also, when \(x=1\) the integral is equal to \(B(a, b)\). Therefore, \(I_{x=1}(a, b) = 1\) for any \(a, b\).

>>> sc.betainc(0.2, 3.5, 1.0)

It satisfies \(I_x(a, b) = x^a F(a, 1-b, a+1, x)/ (aB(a, b))\), where \(F\) is the hypergeometric function hyp2f1:

>>> a, b, x = 1.4, 3.1, 0.5
>>> x**a * sc.hyp2f1(a, 1 - b, a + 1, x)/(a * sc.beta(a, b))
>>> sc.betainc(a, b, x)

This functions satisfies the relationship \(I_x(a, b) = 1 - I_{1-x}(b, a)\):

>>> sc.betainc(2.2, 3.1, 0.4)
>>> 1 - sc.betainc(3.1, 2.2, 1 - 0.4)