bohman#, sym=True, *, xp=None, device=None)[source]#

Return a Bohman window.


Number of points in the output window. If zero, an empty array is returned. An exception is thrown when it is negative.

symbool, optional

When True (default), generates a symmetric window, for use in filter design. When False, generates a periodic window, for use in spectral analysis.

xparray_namespace, optional

Optional array namespace. Should be compatible with the array API standard, or supported by array-api-compat. Default: numpy

device: any

optional device specification for output. Should match one of the supported device specification in xp.


The window, with the maximum value normalized to 1 (though the value 1 does not appear if M is even and sym is True).


Plot the window and its frequency response:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import signal
>>> from scipy.fft import fft, fftshift
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> window =
>>> plt.plot(window)
>>> plt.title("Bohman window")
>>> plt.ylabel("Amplitude")
>>> plt.xlabel("Sample")
>>> plt.figure()
>>> A = fft(window, 2047) / (len(window)/2.0)
>>> freq = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, len(A))
>>> response = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(fftshift(A / abs(A).max())))
>>> plt.plot(freq, response)
>>> plt.axis([-0.5, 0.5, -120, 0])
>>> plt.title("Frequency response of the Bohman window")
>>> plt.ylabel("Normalized magnitude [dB]")
>>> plt.xlabel("Normalized frequency [cycles per sample]")