SciPy Tutorial Day 2 Notes
by David Shupe
{{{SciPy Tutorials
Eric Jones - Python as "Glue" (we were given a PDF of Eric's slides)
Modernizing code -- commonly taken to be, slap a GUI on it. But then can't drive it by a text file.
To take an object-oriented view of the problem - circle all the nouns!
"advisor test" - can your advisor read the API calls? (meaning someone more interested in the physics and not the computer science)
Bill Spotz - SWIG tutorial
See SWIG tutorial directory for PPT and complete example.
Eric Jones - f2py
Numpy now has the ability to allocate array in column-major order (Fortran ordering).
Travis Oliphant - Signal and Image Processing
Reading and writing
- - - use csv module - "roll your own"
NetCDF reader in SciPy opens the arrays as memory-mapped arrays....Travis says this is nice, encouraged for other readers (like PyFITS?). - plays notes. Use Audacity to play.
Travis got excited about nd_image -- but it was written for numarray. That got him interested in writing Numpy.
ndimage.affine_transform: prefilter=True if inputting an image. For efficiency can pre-filter (calculate B-spline coefficients) and set prefilter=False.
Filtering examples on photo of kids in cornfield. run -i
- scipy.interpolate scipy.nd_image.map_coordinates scipy.sandbox.delaunay
- run -i
[Interesting: Travis starts python with "ipython -gthread"]
Eigenimages - of 15 photos of faces of SciPy attendees.
scipy.signal -- more needed for wavelets.