Presentation Materials
Ivan Krstić |
Keynote |
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Travis Oliphant |
"Python buffer interface" |
Chris Mueller |
"CorePy: Using Python on IBM's Cell/B.E." |
slides |
Michele Vallisneri |
"Python and the Mock LISA Data Challenges" |
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Peter Wang |
"Interactive Plotting for Fun and Profit" |
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Chris Lee |
"Pygr: The Python Graph Database Framework for Bioinformatics" |
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Lightning Talk: Fernando Perez |
TConfig |
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Enrico Vesperini, et al. |
"Beowulf Analysis Symbolic INterface-BASIN: a multi-user environment for parallel data analysis and visualization" |
Terence Yeoh |
"Evolving Wavelets using Scipy: Analysis of Controlled Plasma Transients" |
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Titus Brown |
"The Cartwheel Project: Python tools for regulatory genomics" |
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James Taylor |
"The Galaxy platform for accessible and reproducible scientific research" |
Gregory Benson and Alexey S. Fedosov |
"River: A Foundation for the Rapid Development of Reliable Parallel Programming Systems" |
Christfried Webers |
"Elefant (Efficient Learning, Large-scale, Inference, and Optimization Toolkit)" |
Ondrej Certik |
"Using Python for electronic structure calculations, nonlinear solvers, FEM and symbolic manipulation" |
Eric Jones |
"The Block Canvas and Contexts: A rapid approach to developing scientific workflows" |
Bill Smith |
"Building a Protein Name Thesaurus" |
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Sargis Dallakyan |
"Volume Rendering with Python Molecular Viewer" |
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