SciPy 0.4.4 is the latest release of Scientific Python, an Open Source library of scientific tools for the Python programming language. It contains a variety of high-level science and engineering modules, including modules for statistics, optimization, integration, linear algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image processing, genetic algorithms, ODE solvers, special functions, and more.
This release marks the first release supporting the new NumPy numerical package.
New features
Integration with NumPy. This streamlines and simplifies the SciPy code base.
Simpler installation. SciPy now has fewer dependencies. F2Py and SciPy distutils are now a part of NumPy. GUI features like wxPython are no longer relevant.
- Many fixes and cleanups for sparse matrices. Sparse matrices also now support UMFPACK solvers.
- Added fftw3 support.
- Better 64-bit platform support (e.g. for signal package)
- Improvements to scipy.optimize.coblya
- Many other bug fixes.
Removed features
- The plotting packages xplt, plt, gplt have been removed. Their development has been discontinued and they are currently unsupported. Newer packages like Matplotlib and PyX should provide most of their functionality.
- gui_thread and wxPython support have been removed.
- scipy_base is no longer relevant and has been removed.