Final result
Travis has announced that the new name is "numpy"
Round 3
numeriq is out due to trademark issues
Name |
+1 |
0 |
-1 |
nagini |
teo cf ads |
es |
scicore |
teo pb rs jm fd ads es |
cf |
dd ab pg jh |
numpy |
dd pa pb jm jt sr fp teo hg ab mk pg jh |
ch |
numpyxx |
ch |
arrakor |
pb |
es |
scikor |
teo |
es |
scinum |
sr |
tensor |
ab |
es |
naja |
teo fp pr ads |
es |
Round 2
Numerix ( and numerics, numerik, numeriks) are out due to a desire to avoid trademark issues.
Name |
+1 |
0 |
-1 |
psipi |
teo sr |
dd |
cf ads jt ch fp |
nagini |
teo cf ads |
muscle |
teo |
dd |
cf jt jm ch |
scicore |
teo pb rs jm fd |
cf |
dd |
numstar |
ads pa sr |
dd cf jm ch fp |
numerique |
mantis |
dd cf |
jm fp |
numpy |
dd pa pb jm jt sr fp |
ads ch |
arrakor |
pb |
scikor |
teo |
psipi -- a cute transliteration of "SciPy" into mathy Greek letters (could use symbols in print...)
nagini --- "he who should remain nameless" 's snake in Harry Potter (since we are having such trouble with a name)
muscle --- Multidimensional-arrays Uniting for Scientific and Computational Library Enhancement
Distribution name: the name of the distribution. Used to distribute the package. Currently scipy_core.
Package name: the name of the Python package. Conventionally, this is the same as the distribution name, although it is currently not so. Currently, this is "scipy" (which is a "namespace package", meaning it shares the "scipy" namespace with full scipy).
Module names: names of modules within the package. Currently, the primary array functionality used directly from the "scipy" namespace.
- Cast as many votes as you like, but only one per row.
- Vote by placing your name in the table.
proposed name |
+1 |
+0 |
-0 |
-1 |
core Python package name (currently "scipy") |
arrmath |
jh |
BSimons |
ndarray |
numerix |
EdSchofield cf AndrewStraw dd BSimons ArndBaecker |
scicore |
cf dd BSimons |
scipy (no change) |
cf |
scipy_core |
psipi (ψπ) |
Module name for basic array functionality (currently in "scipy" namespace) |
(same as core package name) (no change) |
(core package name).ndarray |
(core package name).narray |
BSimons |
(core package name).numerix |
core distribution name (currently "scipy_core") |
(same as core package name) |
jh AndrewStraw BSimons ArndBaecker |
scicore |
cf |
scipy_core (no change) |
"unstable" collection name (currently scipy.sandbox) |
scipy.sandbox (no change) |
scikits |
cf EdSchofield |
scisand |
jh |
cf EdSchofield |
full distribution name (currently "scipy") |
scipy |
jh BSimons ArndBaecker |