Generating PDF documentation is a very simple script that can generate documentation (in PDF format) from docstrings of !NumPy/!SciPy modules using pdfLaTeX.
It depends on pyparsing ( by Paul McGuire.
There is no installation, just run the script. Title page templates are in 'pages' directory.
Run './ --help' to see options.
Download: gendocs-00.00.02.tar.gz
Tested with
./ -m 'numpy.lib.arraysetops' ./ -m 'scipy.linsolve.umfpack'
- look at the documentation of those modules (SVN version) to see the necessary formatting. The file in scipy/linsolve/umfpack/ was updated recently - revision 3601 of SciPy or later is needed for the second example to work.
Note: previous version (00.00.01) does not work properly on Python 2.3 (trivial bug).
Example outputs: