In a thread on the matplotlib mailling list, James Boyle posted a way to load colormaps from a file. Here it is slightly modified.
Toggle line numbers
1 def gmtColormap(fileName,GMTPath = None):
2 import colorsys
3 import Numeric
4 N = Numeric
5 if type(GMTPath) == type(None):
6 filePath = "/usr/local/cmaps/"+ fileName+".cpt"
7 else:
8 filePath = GMTPath+"/"+ fileName +".cpt"
9 try:
10 f = open(filePath)
11 except:
12 print "file ",filePath, "not found"
13 return None
15 lines = f.readlines()
16 f.close()
18 x = []
19 r = []
20 g = []
21 b = []
22 colorModel = "RGB"
23 for l in lines:
24 ls = l.split()
25 if l[0] == "#":
26 if ls[-1] == "HSV":
27 colorModel = "HSV"
28 continue
29 else:
30 continue
31 if ls[0] == "B" or ls[0] == "F" or ls[0] == "N":
32 pass
33 else:
34 x.append(float(ls[0]))
35 r.append(float(ls[1]))
36 g.append(float(ls[2]))
37 b.append(float(ls[3]))
38 xtemp = float(ls[4])
39 rtemp = float(ls[5])
40 gtemp = float(ls[6])
41 btemp = float(ls[7])
43 x.append(xtemp)
44 r.append(rtemp)
45 g.append(gtemp)
46 b.append(btemp)
48 nTable = len(r)
49 x = N.array( x , N.Float)
50 r = N.array( r , N.Float)
51 g = N.array( g , N.Float)
52 b = N.array( b , N.Float)
53 if colorModel == "HSV":
54 for i in range(r.shape[0]):
55 rr,gg,bb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(r[i]/360.,g[i],b[i])
56 r[i] = rr ; g[i] = gg ; b[i] = bb
57 if colorModel == "HSV":
58 for i in range(r.shape[0]):
59 rr,gg,bb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(r[i]/360.,g[i],b[i])
60 r[i] = rr ; g[i] = gg ; b[i] = bb
61 if colorModel == "RGB":
62 r = r/255.
63 g = g/255.
64 b = b/255.
65 xNorm = (x - x[0])/(x[-1] - x[0])
67 red = []
68 blue = []
69 green = []
70 for i in range(len(x)):
71 red.append([xNorm[i],r[i],r[i]])
72 green.append([xNorm[i],g[i],g[i]])
73 blue.append([xNorm[i],b[i],b[i]])
74 colorDict = {"red":red, "green":green, "blue":blue}
75 return (colorDict)