Migration from spmatrix to sparray#

This document provides guidance for converting code from sparse matrices to sparse arrays in scipy.sparse.

The change from sparse matrices to sparse arrays mirrors conversion from np.matrix to np.ndarray. Essentially we must move from an all-2D matrix-multiplication-centric matrix object to a 1D or 2D “array” object that supports the matrix multiplication operator and elementwise computation.

Notation: For this guide we denote the sparse array classes generally as sparray and the sparse matrix classes spmatrix. Dense numpy arrays are denoted np.ndarray and dense matrix classes are np.matrix. Supported sparse formats are denoted BSR, COO, CSC, CSR, DIA, DOK, LIL and all formats are supported by both sparray and spmatrix. The term sparse refers to either sparray or spmatrix, while dense refers to either np.ndarray or np.matrix.

Overview and big picture#

  • The constructor names *_matrix, e.g. csr_matrix, are changed to *_array.

  • spmatrix M is always 2D (rows x columns) even e.g. M.min(axis=0). sparray A can be 1D or 2D. Numpy scalars are returned for full (0D) reductions, i.e. M.min().

  • Iterating over a sparray gives 1D sparrays. Iterating spmatrix gives 2D row spmatrices

  • Operators that change behavior are: *, @, *=, @=, **

    • Scalar multiplication, e.g. 5 * A, uses *, and 5 @ A is not implemented.

    • sparrays use * for elementwise multiplication and @ for matrix multiplication while spmatrices use either operator * or @ for matrix multiplication. Either can use A.multiply(B) for elementwise multiplication.

    • Scalar exponents, e.g. A**2, use elementwise power for sparray and matrix power for spmatrix. To get matrix power for sparrays use scipy.sparse.linalg.matrix_power(A, n).

  • Checking the sparse type and format:

    • issparse(A) returns True for any sparse array/matrix.

    • isspmatrix(M) returns True for any sparse matrix.

    • isspmatrix_csr(M) checks for a sparse matrix with specific format. It should be replaced with an array compatible version such as:

    • issparse(A) and A.format == 'csr' looks for a CSR sparse array/matrix.

Details: construction functions#

These four functions are new and only handle sparrays: block_array, diags_array, eye_array, and random_array. Their signatures are:

def block_array(blocks, format=None, dtype=None):
def diags_array(diagonals, /, *, offsets=0, shape=None, format=None, dtype=None):
def eye_array(m, n=None, *, k=0, dtype=float, format=None):
def random_array(m, n, density=0.01, format='coo', dtype=None, random_state=None, data_random_state=None):

Existing functions that need careful migration#

These functions return sparray or spmatrix, depending on the input types they receive: kron, kronsum, hstack, vstack, block_diag, tril, and triu. Their signatures are:

def kron(A, B, format=None):
def kronsum(A, B, format=None):
def hstack(blocks, format=None, dtype=None):
def vstack(blocks, format=None, dtype=None):
def block_diag(mats, format=None, dtype=None):
def tril(A, k=0, format=None):
def triu(A, k=0, format=None):

Use of these functions should be examined and inputs adjusted to ensure return values are sparrays. And in turn the outputs should be treated as sparrays. To return sparrays, at least one input must be an sparray. If you use list-of-lists or numpy arrays as input you should convert one of them to a sparse array to get sparse arrays out.

Functions that changed names for the migration#


New function















Details: shape changes and reductions#

  • Construction using 1d-list of values:

    • csr_matrix([1, 2, 3]).shape == (1, 3) creates a 2D matrix.

    • csr_array([1, 2, 3]).shape == (3,) creates a 1D array

  • Indexing:

    • Indexing of sparray allows 1D objects which can be made 2D using np.newaxis or None. E.g., A[3, None, :] gives a 2D row. Indexing of 2D sparray with implicit (not given) column index gives a 1D result, e.g. A[3] (note: best not to do this - write it as A[3, :] instead). If you need a 2D result, use np.newaxis, or None in your index, or wrap the integer index as a list for which fancy indexing gives 2D, e.g. A[[3], :].

    • Iteration over sparse object: next(M) yields a sparse 2D row matrix, next(A) yields a sparse 1D array.

  • Reduction operations along an axis reduce the shape:

    • M.sum(axis=1) returns a 2D row matrix by summing along axis 1.

    • A.sum(axis=1) returns a 1D coo_array summing along axis 1. Some reductions return dense arrays/matrices instead of sparse ones:



















    Generally, 2D sparray inputs lead to 1D results. 2D spmatrix inputs lead to 2D results.

  • Some reductions return a scalar. Those should behave as they did before and shouldn’t need to be considered during migration. E.g. A.sum()

Removed methods and attributes#

  • The methods get_shape, getrow, getcol, asfptype, getnnz, getH and the attributes .A and .H are only present on spmatrices, not sparrays. It is recommended that you replace usage of them with alternatives before starting the shift to sparray.


















    A[i, :]


    A[:, j]





  • Shape assignment (M.shape = (2, 6)) is not permitted for sparray. Instead you should use A.reshape.

  • M.getnnz() returns the number of stored values – not the number of non-zeros. A.nnz does the same. To get the number of non-zeros, use A.count_nonzero(). This is not new to the migration, but can be confusing.

    To migrate from the axis parameter of M.getnnz(axis=...), you can use A.count_nonzero(axis=...) but it is not an exact replacement because it counts nonzero values instead of stored values. The difference is the number of explicitly stored zero values. If you really want the number of stored values by axis you will need to use some numpy tools.

    The numpy tools approach works for COO, CSR, CSC formats, so convert to one of them. For CSR and CSC, the major axis is compressed and np.diff(A.indptr) returns a dense 1D array with the number of stored values for each major axis value (row for CSR and column for CSC). The minor axes can be computed using np.bincount(A.indices, minlength=N) where N is the length of the minor axis (e.g. A.shape[1] for CSR). The bincount function works for any axis of COO format using A.coords[axis] in place of A.indices.


  • If you provide compressed data to a constructor, e.g. csr_array((data, indices, indptr)) sparse arrays set the index dtype by only checking the index arrays dtype, while sparse matrices check the index values too and may downcast to int32 (see gh-18509 for more details).

  • Binary operations with operators +, -, *, /, @, !=, > and sparse and/or dense operands:

    • If all inputs are sparse, the output is usually sparse as well. The exception being / which returns dense (dividing by the default value 0 is nan).

    • If inputs are mixed sparse and dense, the result is usually dense (i.e., np.ndarray). Exceptions are * which is sparse, and / which is not implemented for dense / sparse, and returns sparse for sparse / dense.

  • Binary operations with operators +, -, *, /, @, !=, > and array and/or matrix operands:

    • If all inputs are arrays, the outputs are arrays and the same is true for matrices.

    • When mixing sparse arrays with sparse matrices, the leading operand provides the type for the output, e.g. sparray + spmatrix gives a sparse array while reversing the order gives a sparse matrix.

    • When mixing dense matrices with sparse arrays, the results are usually arrays with exceptions for comparisons, e.g. > which return dense matrices.

    • When mixing dense arrays with sparse matrices, the results are usually matrices with an exception for array @ sparse matrix which returns a dense array.