


Computes seasonal Theil-Sen and Kendall slope estimators.

The seasonal generalization of Sen’s slope computes the slopes between all pairs of values within a “season” (column) of a 2D array. It returns an array containing the median of these “within-season” slopes for each season (the Theil-Sen slope estimator of each season), and it returns the median of the within-season slopes across all seasons (the seasonal Kendall slope estimator).

x2D array_like

Each column of x contains measurements of the dependent variable within a season. The independent variable (usually time) of each season is assumed to be np.arange(x.shape[0]).

resultSenSeasonalSlopesResult instance

The return value is an object with the following attributes:


For each season, the Theil-Sen slope estimator: the median of within-season slopes.


The seasonal Kendall slope estimator: the median of within-season slopes across all seasons.

See also


the analogous function for non-seasonal data


non-seasonal slopes for non-masked arrays


The slopes \(d_{ijk}\) within season \(i\) are:

\[d_{ijk} = \frac{x_{ij} - x_{ik}} {j - k}\]

for pairs of distinct integer indices \(j, k\) of \(x\).

Element \(i\) of the returned intra_slope array is the median of the \(d_{ijk}\) over all \(j < k\); this is the Theil-Sen slope estimator of season \(i\). The returned inter_slope value, better known as the seasonal Kendall slope estimator, is the median of the \(d_{ijk}\) over all \(i, j, k\).



Hirsch, Robert M., James R. Slack, and Richard A. Smith. “Techniques of trend analysis for monthly water quality data.” Water Resources Research 18.1 (1982): 107-121.


Suppose we have 100 observations of a dependent variable for each of four seasons:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
>>> x = rng.random(size=(100, 4))

We compute the seasonal slopes as:

>>> from scipy import stats
>>> intra_slope, inter_slope = stats.mstats.sen_seasonal_slopes(x)

If we define a function to compute all slopes between observations within a season:

>>> def dijk(yi):
...     n = len(yi)
...     x = np.arange(n)
...     dy = yi - yi[:, np.newaxis]
...     dx = x - x[:, np.newaxis]
...     # we only want unique pairs of distinct indices
...     mask = np.triu(np.ones((n, n), dtype=bool), k=1)
...     return dy[mask]/dx[mask]

then element i of intra_slope is the median of dijk[x[:, i]]:

>>> i = 2
>>> np.allclose(np.median(dijk(x[:, i])), intra_slope[i])

and inter_slope is the median of the values returned by dijk for all seasons:

>>> all_slopes = np.concatenate([dijk(x[:, i]) for i in range(x.shape[1])])
>>> np.allclose(np.median(all_slopes), inter_slope)

Because the data are randomly generated, we would expect the median slopes to be nearly zero both within and across all seasons, and indeed they are:

array([ 0.00124504, -0.00277761, -0.00221245, -0.00036338])
>>> inter_slope