- scipy.signal.firwin_2d(hsize, window, *, fc=None, fs=2, circular=False, pass_zero=True, scale=True)[source]#
2D FIR filter design using the window method.
This function computes the coefficients of a 2D finite impulse response filter. The filter is separable with linear phase; it will be designed as a product of two 1D filters with dimensions defined by hsize. Additionally, it can create approximately circularly symmetric 2-D windows.
- Parameters:
- hsizetuple or list of length 2
Lengths of the filter in each dimension. hsize[0] specifies the number of coefficients in the row direction and hsize[1] specifies the number of coefficients in the column direction.
- windowtuple or list of length 2 or string
Desired window to use for each 1D filter or a single window type for creating circularly symmetric 2-D windows. Each element should be a string or tuple of string and parameter values. See
for a list of windows and required parameters.- fcfloat or 1-D array_like, optional
Cutoff frequency of the filter in the same units as fs. This defines the frequency at which the filter’s gain drops to approximately -6 dB (half power) in a low-pass or high-pass filter. For multi-band filters, fc can be an array of cutoff frequencies (i.e., band edges) in the range [0, fs/2], with each band specified in pairs. Required if circular is False.
- fsfloat, optional
The sampling frequency of the signal. Default is 2.
- circularbool, optional
Whether to create a circularly symmetric 2-D window. Default is
.- pass_zero{True, False, ‘bandpass’, ‘lowpass’, ‘highpass’, ‘bandstop’}, optional
This parameter is directly passed to
for each scalar frequency axis. Hence, ifTrue
, the DC gain, i.e., the gain at frequency (0, 0), is 1. IfFalse
, the DC gain is 0 at frequency (0, 0) if circular isTrue
. If circular isFalse
the frequencies (0, f1) and (f0, 0) will have gain 0. It can also be a string argument for the desired filter type (equivalent tobtype
in IIR design functions).- scalebool, optional
This parameter is directly passed to
for each scalar frequency axis. Set toTrue
to scale the coefficients so that the frequency response is exactly unity at a certain frequency on one frequency axis. That frequency is either:0 (DC) if the first passband starts at 0 (i.e. pass_zero is
)fs/2 (the Nyquist frequency) if the first passband ends at fs/2 (i.e., the filter is a single band highpass filter); center of first passband otherwise
- Returns:
- filter_2d(hsize[0], hsize[1]) ndarray
Coefficients of 2D FIR filter.
- Raises:
- ValueError
If hsize and window are not 2-element tuples or lists.
If cutoff is None when circular is True.
If cutoff is outside the range [0, fs/2] and circular is
.If any of the elements in window are not recognized.
- RuntimeError
fails to converge when designing the filter.
See also
FIR filter design using the window method for 1d arrays.
Return a window of a given length and type.
Generate a 5x5 low-pass filter with cutoff frequency 0.1:
>>> import numpy as np >>> from scipy.signal import get_window >>> from scipy.signal import firwin_2d >>> hsize = (5, 5) >>> window = (("kaiser", 5.0), ("kaiser", 5.0)) >>> fc = 0.1 >>> filter_2d = firwin_2d(hsize, window, fc=fc) >>> filter_2d array([[0.00025366, 0.00401662, 0.00738617, 0.00401662, 0.00025366], [0.00401662, 0.06360159, 0.11695714, 0.06360159, 0.00401662], [0.00738617, 0.11695714, 0.21507283, 0.11695714, 0.00738617], [0.00401662, 0.06360159, 0.11695714, 0.06360159, 0.00401662], [0.00025366, 0.00401662, 0.00738617, 0.00401662, 0.00025366]])
Generate a circularly symmetric 5x5 low-pass filter with Hamming window:
>>> filter_2d = firwin_2d((5, 5), 'hamming', fc=fc, circular=True) >>> filter_2d array([[-0.00020354, -0.00020354, -0.00020354, -0.00020354, -0.00020354], [-0.00020354, 0.01506844, 0.09907658, 0.01506844, -0.00020354], [-0.00020354, 0.09907658, -0.00020354, 0.09907658, -0.00020354], [-0.00020354, 0.01506844, 0.09907658, 0.01506844, -0.00020354], [-0.00020354, -0.00020354, -0.00020354, -0.00020354, -0.00020354]])
Generate Plots comparing the product of two 1d filters with a circular symmetric filter:
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> hsize, fc = (50, 50), 0.05 >>> window = (("kaiser", 5.0), ("kaiser", 5.0)) >>> filter0_2d = firwin_2d(hsize, window, fc=fc) >>> filter1_2d = firwin_2d((50, 50), 'hamming', fc=fc, circular=True) ... >>> fg, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, tight_layout=True, figsize=(6.5, 3.5)) >>> ax0.set_title("Product of 2 Windows") >>> im0 = ax0.imshow(filter0_2d, cmap='viridis', origin='lower', aspect='equal') >>> fg.colorbar(im0, ax=ax0, shrink=0.7) >>> ax1.set_title("Circular Window") >>> im1 = ax1.imshow(filter1_2d, cmap='plasma', origin='lower', aspect='equal') >>> fg.colorbar(im1, ax=ax1, shrink=0.7) >>>