- scipy.signal.dbode(system, w=None, n=100)[source]#
Calculate Bode magnitude and phase data of a discrete-time system.
- Parameters:
- systemdlti | tuple
An instance of the LTI class
or a tuple describing the system. The number of elements in the tuple determine the interpretation. I.e.:system
: Instance of LTI classdlti
. Note that derived instances, such as instances ofTransferFunction
, orStateSpace
, are allowed as well.(num, den, dt)
: Rational polynomial as described inTransferFunction
. The coefficients of the polynomials should be specified in descending exponent order, e.g., z² + 3z + 5 would be represented as[1, 3, 5]
.(zeros, poles, gain, dt)
: Zeros, poles, gain form as described inZerosPolesGain
.(A, B, C, D, dt)
: State-space form as described inStateSpace
- warray_like, optional
Array of frequencies normalized to the Nyquist frequency being π, i.e., having unit radiant / sample. Magnitude and phase data is calculated for every value in this array. If not given, a reasonable set will be calculated.
- nint, optional
Number of frequency points to compute if w is not given. The n frequencies are logarithmically spaced in an interval chosen to include the influence of the poles and zeros of the system.
- Returns:
- w1D ndarray
Array of frequencies normalized to the Nyquist frequency being
being the sampling interval of the system parameter. The unit is rad/s assumingdt
is in seconds.- mag1D ndarray
Magnitude array in dB
- phase1D ndarray
Phase array in degrees
See also
This function is a convenience wrapper around
for extracting magnitude and phase from the calculated complex-valued amplitude of the frequency response.Added in version 0.18.0.
The following example shows how to create a Bode plot of a 5-th order Butterworth lowpass filter with a corner frequency of 100 Hz:
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> from scipy import signal ... >>> T = 1e-4 # sampling interval in s >>> f_c, o = 1e2, 5 # corner frequency in Hz (i.e., -3 dB value) and filter order >>> bb, aa = signal.butter(o, f_c, 'lowpass', fs=1/T) ... >>> w, mag, phase = signal.dbode((bb, aa, T)) >>> w /= 2*np.pi # convert unit of frequency into Hertz ... >>> fg, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex='all', figsize=(5, 4), ... tight_layout=True) >>> ax0.set_title("Bode Plot of Butterworth Lowpass Filter " + ... rf"($f_c={f_c:g}\,$Hz, order={o})") >>> ax0.set_ylabel(r"Magnitude in dB") >>> ax1.set(ylabel=r"Phase in Degrees", ... xlabel="Frequency $f$ in Hertz", xlim=(w[1], w[-1])) >>> ax0.semilogx(w, mag, 'C0-', label=r"$20\,\log_{10}|G(f)|$") # Magnitude plot >>> ax1.semilogx(w, phase, 'C1-', label=r"$\angle G(f)$") # Phase plot ... >>> for ax_ in (ax0, ax1): ... ax_.axvline(f_c, color='m', alpha=0.25, label=rf"${f_c=:g}\,$Hz") ... ax_.grid(which='both', axis='x') # plot major & minor vertical grid lines ... ax_.grid(which='major', axis='y') ... ax_.legend() >>> plt.show()