The weave package allows the inclusion of C/C++ within Python code and is useful in accelerating Python code.
Weave is a subpackage of scipy. (I.e. you have it already if you installed SciPy)
- Alternatively, you can check-out and install weave separately using
svn co weave cd weave sudo python install
Current documentation (which is still being updated to reflect the move to NumPy) can be seen here
PerformancePython: A comparison of various ways to improve the performance of Python code using Numeric, weave, Pyrex, Psyco and Fortran (f2py) for solving Laplace's equation. These are compared with code written in C++.
Cookbook/Weave Some cookbook examples of using low level Numpy C-API
If you have scipy installed, weave includes several examples here:
And the above tutorial is on your installation also:
To find where your site-packages directory holding scipy is, run this python command in a terminal:
python -c "from scipy import weave; print weave.__path__"
some random notes
when is code compiled
a) Is it possible to distribute modules using weave to other people who might NOT have a C compiler installed ? b) when I (or someone who does not have a C compiler !) change parts of that module that should not require a recompiling of the C part - is weave smart enough to recognise this ?
> It's my understanding that a re-compile is triggered by a mismatch to a > MD5 generated on the C string that is to be compiled and the cached MD5 > for the expression. This would mean that only changes to that string > would force a re-compile. However, even formatting changes (even to > whitespace) in the C string force a recompile. > The types of the inputs are also taken into account. > And (to be pedantic :) ) the version the numpy API.
how to distribute code to people w/o a C compiler
You can make weave generate an extension module of your choosing. Look at examples/ which builds a fibonacci_ext.cpp/ pair in the current directory.
Weave and Numpy array arguments
>> if I pass a numpy array 'arr' as argument >> a) how does the C code get arr.ndim ? >> b) how does the C code get arr.shape[0],... ? >> c) if the C code changes elements of arr, are those changes *on the >> original data* ? Yes. >> In other words, is weave.inline making a copy of arr ? No. >> I searched through >> >> html?format=raw but did not find a definite answer. From >> the '' example in weave in looks like Narr would contain the >> shape !? Yes. Specifically: arr_array is the actual PyArrayObject* corresponding to the Python object. Narr = arr_array->dimensions Sarr = arr_array->strides Darr = arr_array->nd arr = arr_array->data > > Oh, and I forgot: How about non-contiguous arrays !? Passed straight on through, just like contiguous arrays. >> In the case that these are handled - does that slow things down for proper >> aligned arrays, too !? You will have to take the strides into account in your code.