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SciPy 2005 Conference

Python for Scientific Computing

CalTech, Pasadena, CA

Conference: September 22 and 23, 2005

This conference provides a unique opportunity to learn and affect what is happening in the realm of scientific computing with Python. Attendees will have the opportunity to review the available tools and how they apply to specific problems. By providing a forum for developers to share their Python expertise with the wider industrial, academic, and research communities, this workshop will foster collaboration and facilitate the sharing of software components, techniques and a vision for high level language use in scientific computing. This will be our second year as a conference and we look forward to a wide range of presentation topics and continued growth in participation.


The National Biomedical Computation Resource (NBCR, UCSD, San Diego, CA)

The mission of the National Biomedical Computation Resource at the University of California San Diego and partners at The Scripps Research Institute and Washington University is to conduct, catalyze, and advance biomedical research by harnessing, developing and deploying forefront computational, information, and grid technologies. NBCR is supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) through a National Center for Research Resources centers grant (P 41 RR08605).

The Center for Advanced Computing Research (CACR, CalTech, Pasadena, CA)

CACR is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the field of high-performance computing, communication, and data engineering. Major activities include carrying out large-scale scientific and engineering applications on parallel supercomputers and coordinating collaborative research projects on high-speed network technologies, distributed computing and database methodologies, and related topics. Our goal is to help further the state of the art in scientific computing.

Enthought, Inc. (Austin, TX)

Enthought, Inc. provides business and scientific computing solutions through software development, consulting and training.

More generally, information is also available on SciPy meetings as a whole.

SciPy: Developer_Zone/Conferences/SciPy2005 (last edited 2015-10-24 17:48:24 by anonymous)