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The weave package allows the inclusion of C/C++ within Python code and is useful in accelerating Python code.

svn co weave
cd weave
sudo python install

If you have scipy installed, weave includes several examples here:


And the above tutorial is on your installation also:


To find where your site-packages directory holding scipy is, run this python command in a terminal:

python -c "from scipy import weave; print weave.__path__"

some random notes

when is code compiled

a) Is it possible to distribute modules using weave to other people who might NOT have a C compiler installed ? b) when I (or someone who does not have a C compiler !) change parts of that module that should not require a recompiling of the C part - is weave smart enough to recognise this ?

> It's my understanding that a re-compile is triggered by a mismatch to a 
> MD5 generated on the C string that is to be compiled and the cached MD5 
> for the expression.  This would mean that only changes to that string 
> would force a re-compile.  However, even formatting changes (even to 
> whitespace) in the C string force a recompile.

> The types of the inputs are also taken into account.

> And (to be pedantic :) ) the version the numpy API.

how to distribute code to people w/o a C compiler

You can make weave generate an extension module of your choosing.
Look at examples/ which builds a
fibonacci_ext.cpp/ pair in the current directory.

Weave and Numpy array arguments

>> if I pass a numpy array 'arr' as argument
>> a) how does the C code get arr.ndim ?
>> b) how does the C code get arr.shape[0],... ?
>> c) if the C code changes elements of arr, are those changes *on the
>> original data* ?


>> In other words, is weave.inline making a copy of arr ?


>> I searched through
>> html?format=raw but did not find a definite answer. From
>> the '' example in weave in looks like Narr would contain the
>> shape !?

Yes. Specifically:

arr_array is the actual PyArrayObject* corresponding to the Python object.

Narr = arr_array->dimensions
Sarr = arr_array->strides
Darr = arr_array->nd
arr = arr_array->data

> > Oh, and I forgot: How about non-contiguous arrays !?

Passed straight on through, just like contiguous arrays.

>> In the case that these are handled - does that slow things down for proper 
>> aligned arrays,  too !?

You will have to take the strides into account in your code.
