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Proposal of New Solver Classes for SciPy


  1. agree upon the arguments and their names, see below
  2. implement the linear solvers first, as they are the most used, as a proof of concept
  3. eigenvalue solvers
  4. nonlinear solvers
  5. ...

Argument names

Conventions: lowercase letters with words connected using underscores, as it is usual in SciPy.


argument names


matrix (LinearOperator instance)

mtx_a, mtx_b

matrices (LinearOperator instances)


preconditioner (LinearOperator instance)


solver configuration (holding e.g. tol_abs, tol_rel, ... in a single dictionary


absolute tolerance


relatice tolerance


max. number of iterations




result dtype


output argument (a dictionary) holding various statistics a solver might provide (timing, convergence...)

Examples of Usage

"Script" usage

Suppose we have:

   1 class Umfpack( LinearSolver ):
   2     name = 'ls.umfpack'
   3     ...
   5 class ScipyIterative( LinearSolver ):
   6     name = 'ls.scipy_iterative'
   7     ...


   1 s = ScipyIterative( tol_abs = 1e-6, mtx = A, method = 'cg' )
   2 x = s( rhs )
   3 x2 = s( rhs2, abs_tol = 1e-8 )
   5 conf = {'tol_abs' : 1e-5, 'tol_rel' : 1e-5, 'method' : 'bicg'}
   6 s = ScipyIterative( conf = conf )
   7 x = s( rhs, conf = conf, mtx = B )
   9 ds = Umfpack( mtx = A )
  10 x = ds( rhs )

"Framework" Usage

For example, any linear solver (e.g. umfpack, scipy iterative solvers, ...) can be used like:

   1 # Use a SciPy iterative solver configuration.
   2 iconf = {
   3     'name' : 'ls',
   4     'kind' : 'ls.scipy_iterative',
   6     'method'   : 'cg',
   7     'max_iter' : 1000,
   8     'tol_abs'  : 1e-12,
   9 }
  10 # Or a direct solver configuration.
  11 dconf = {
  12     'name' : 'ls',
  13     'kind' : 'ls.umfpack',
  14 }
  16 s = Solver.any_from_conf( conf = dconf, mtx = A ) # Possibly pre-solves by LU.
  17 x1 = s( rhs1 )
  18 x2 = s( rhs2 )
  19 ...
  20 x = s( rhs, mtx = B )

The proper solver class is chosen automatically according to the 'kind' attribute of the configuration.

Abstract classes

Something to start with (ignore the argument names for now...):

   1 class Solver( Struct ):
   2      def __init__( self, conf, **kwargs ):
   3          Struct.__init__( self, conf = conf, **kwargs )
   4      def __call__( self, **kwargs ):
   5          print 'called an abstract Solver instance!'
   6          raise ValueError
   8 class LinearSolver( Solver ):
   9      def __init__( self, conf, mtx = None, status = None, **kwargs ):
  10          Solver.__init__( self, conf = conf, mtx = mtx, status = status,
  11                           **kwargs )
  12      def __call__( self, rhs, conf = None, mtx = None, status = None ):
  13          print 'called an abstract LinearSolver instance!'
  14          raise ValueError
  16 class NonlinearSolver( Solver ):
  17      def __init__( self, conf, evaluator = None, linSolver = None,
  18                    status = None, **kwargs ):
  19          Solver.__init__( self, conf = conf, evaluator = evaluator,
  20                           linSolver = linSolver, status = status,
  21                           **kwargs )
  22      def __call__( self, state0, conf = None, evaluator = None,
  23                    linSolver = None, status = None ):
  24          print 'called an abstract NonlinearSolver instance!'
  25          raise ValueError
  27 class EigenvalueSolver( Solver ):
  28      def __init__( self, conf, mtxA = None, mtxB = None, nEigs = None,
  29                    eigenvectors = None, status = None ):
  30          Solver.__init__( self, conf = conf, mtxA = mtxA, mtxB = mtxB,
  31                           nEigs = nEigs, eigenvectors = eigenvectors,
  32                           status = status )
  33      def __call__( self, mtxA, mtxB = None, nEigs = None,
  34                    eigenvectors = None, status = None, conf = None ):
  35          print 'called an abstract EigenvalueSolver instance!'
  36          raise ValueError
