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NumPy Distutils - Users Guide

Author: Pearu Peterson <>
Created:October 2005
Revision: 1802
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SciPy structure

Currently SciPy project consists of two packages:

  • NumPy (previously called SciPy core) --- it provides packages like:
    • numpy.distutils - extension to Python distutils
    • numpy.f2py - a tool to bind Fortran/C codes to Python
    • numpy.core - future replacement of Numeric and numarray packages
    • numpy.lib - extra utility functions
    • numpy.testing - numpy-style tools for unit testing
    • etc
  • SciPy --- a collection of scientific tools for Python.

The aim of this document is to describe how to add new tools to SciPy.

Requirements for SciPy packages

SciPy consists of Python packages, called SciPy packages, that are available to Python users via scipy name space. Each SciPy package may contain other SciPy packages. And so on. So, SciPy directory tree is a tree of packages with arbitrary depth and width. Any SciPy package may depend on NumPy packages but the dependence on other SciPy packages should be kept minimal or zero.

A SciPy package contains in addition to its sources, the following files and directories:

  • --- building script
  • --- contains documentation and import flags
  • --- package initializer
  • tests/ --- directory of unittests

Their contents will be described below.

The file

In order to add a Python package to SciPy, its building script (the file) must meet certain requirements. The minimal and the most important one is that it must define a function configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None) that returns a dictionary suitable for passing to numpy.distutils.core.setup(..) function. In order to simplify the construction of such an distionary, numpy.distutils.misc_util provides a class Configuration, the usage of will be described below.

SciPy pure Python package example

Here follows a minimal example for a pure Python SciPy package file that will be explained in detail below:

#!/usr/bin/env python
def configuration(parent_package='',top_path=None):
    from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration
    config = Configuration('mypackage',parent_package,top_path)
    return config

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from numpy.distutils.core import setup

The first argument parent_package of the main configuration function will contain a name of the parent SciPy package and the second argument top_path contains the name of the directory where the main script is located. Both arguments should be passed to the Configuration constructor after the name of the current package.

The Configuration constructor has also fourth optional argument, package_path, that can be used when package files are located in some other location than the directory of the file.

Remaining Configuration arguments are all keyword arguments that will be used to initialize attributes of Configuration instance. Usually, these keywords are the same as the ones that setup(..) function would expect, for example, packages, ext_modules, data_files, include_dirs, libraries, headers, scripts, package_dir, etc. However, the direct specification of these keywords is not recommended as the content of these keyword arguments will not be processed or checked for the consistency of SciPy building system.

Finally, Configuration has .todict() method that returns all the configuration data as a dictionary suitable for passing on to the setup(..) function.

Configuration instance attributes

In addition to attributes that can be specified via keyword arguments to Configuration constructor, Configuration instance (let us denote as config) has the following attributes that can be useful in writing setup scripts:

  • - full name of the current package. The names of parent packages can be extracted as'.').
  • config.local_path - path to the location of current file.
  • config.top_path - path to the location of main file.

Configuration instance methods

  • config.todict() --- returns configuration distionary suitable for passing to numpy.distutils.core.setup(..) function.

  • config.paths(*paths) --- applies ``glob.glob(..) to items of paths if necessary. Fixes paths item that is relative to config.local_path.

  • config.get_subpackage(subpackage_name,subpackage_path=None) --- returns SciPy subpackage configuration. Subpackage is looked in the current directory under the name subpackage_name but the path can be specified also via optional subpackage_path argument. If subpackage_name is specified as None then the subpackage name will be taken the basename of subpackage_path.

  • config.add_subpackage(subpackage_name,subpackage_path=None) --- add SciPy subpackage configuration to the current one. The meaning and usage of arguments is explained above, see config.get_subpackage() method.

  • config.add_data_files(*files) --- prepend files to data_files list. If files item is a tuple then its first element defines the suffix of where data files are copied relative to package installation directory and the second element specifies the path to data files. By default data files are copied under package installation directory. For example,


    will install data files to the following locations:

    <installation path of package>/

    Path to data files can be a function taking no arguments and returning path(s) to data files -- this is a useful when data files are generated while building the package. (XXX: explain the step when this function are called exactly)

  • config.add_data_dir(data_path) --- add directory data_path recursively to data_files. The whole directory tree starting at data_path will be copied under package installation directory. If data_path is a tuple then its first element defines the suffix of where data files are copied relative to package installation directory and the second element specifies the path to data directory. By default data directory are copied under package installation directory. For example,

    config.add_data_dir('fun')  # fun/ contains foo.dat bar/car.dat

    will install data files to the following locations

    <installation path of package>/

    foo.dat bar/

    System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 192)

    Unexpected indentation.



    foo.dat bar/

    System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 196)

    Unexpected indentation.



    foo.dat car.dat

  • config.add_include_dirs(*paths) --- prepend paths to include_dirs list. This list will be visible to all extension modules of the current package.

  • config.add_headers(*files) --- prepend files to headers list. By default, headers will be installed under <prefix>/include/pythonX.X/<'.','/')>/ directory. If files item is a tuple then it's first argument specifies the installation suffix relative to <prefix>/include/pythonX.X/ path.

  • config.add_scripts(*files) --- prepend files to scripts list. Scripts will be installed under <prefix>/bin/ directory.

  • config.add_extension(name,sources,*kw) --- create and add an Extension instance to ext_modules list. The first argument name defines the name of the extension module that will be installed under package. The second argument is a list of sources. add_extension method takes also keyword arguments that are passed on to the Extension constructor. The list of allowed keywords is the following: include_dirs, define_macros, undef_macros, library_dirs, libraries, runtime_library_dirs, extra_objects, extra_compile_args, extra_link_args, export_symbols, swig_opts, depends, language, f2py_options, module_dirs, extra_info.

    Note that config.paths method is applied to all lists that may contain paths. extra_info is a dictionary or a list of dictionaries that content will be appended to keyword arguments. The list depends contains paths to files or directories that the sources of the extension module depend on. If any path in the depends list is newer than the extension module, then the module will be rebuilt.

    The list of sources may contain functions ('source generators') with a pattern def <funcname>(ext, build_dir): return <source(s) or None>. If funcname returns None, no sources are generated. And if the Extension instance has no sources after processing all source generators, no extension module will be built. This is the recommended way to conditionally define extension modules. Source generator functions are called by the build_src command of numpy.distutils.

    For example, here is a typical source generator function:

    def generate_source(ext,build_dir):
        import os
        from distutils.dep_util import newer
        target = os.path.join(build_dir,'somesource.c')
        if newer(target,__file__):
            # create target file
        return target

    The first argument contains the Extension instance that can be useful to access its attributes like depends, sources, etc. lists and modify them during the building process. The second argument gives a path to a build directory that must be used when creating files to a disk.

  • config.add_library(name, sources, **build_info) --- add a library to libraries list. Allowed keywords arguments are depends, macros, include_dirs, extra_compiler_args, f2py_options. See .add_extension() method for more information on arguments.

  • config.have_f77c() --- return True if Fortran 77 compiler is available (read: a simple Fortran 77 code compiled succesfully).

  • config.have_f90c() --- return True if Fortran 90 compiler is available (read: a simple Fortran 90 code compiled succesfully).

  • config.get_version() --- return version string of the current package, None if version information could not be detected. This methods scans files, <packagename>,, for string variables version, __version__, <packagename>_version.

  • config.make_svn_version_py() --- appends a data function to data_files list that will generate file to the current package directory. The file will be removed from the source directory when Python exits.

  • config.get_build_temp_dir() --- return a path to a temporary directory. This is the place where one should build temporary files.

  • config.get_distribution() --- return distutils Distribution instance.

  • config.get_config_cmd() --- returns numpy.distutils config command instance.

Template files

XXX: Describe how files with extensions .f.src, .pyf.src, .c.src, etc. are pre-processed by the build_src command.

Useful functions in numpy.distutils.misc_util

  • get_numpy_include_dirs() --- return a list of NumPy base include directories. NumPy base include directories contain header files such as numpy/arrayobject.h, numpy/funcobject.h etc. For installed NumPy the returned list has length 1 but when building NumPy the list may contain more directories, for example, a path to config.h file that numpy/base/ file generates and is used by numpy header files.
  • append_path(prefix,path) --- smart append path to prefix.
  • def get_cmd(cmdname,_cache={}) --- returns numpy.distutils command instance.
  • all_strings(lst)
  • has_f_sources(sources)
  • has_cxx_sources(sources)
  • filter_sources(sources) --- return c_sources, cxx_sources, f_sources, fmodule_sources
  • get_dependencies(sources)
  • is_local_src_dir(directory)
  • get_ext_source_files(ext)
  • get_script_files(scripts)
  • get_lib_source_files(lib)
  • get_data_files(data)
  • dot_join(*args)
  • get_frame(level=0)
  • cyg2win32(path)
  • terminal_has_colors(), red_text(s), green_text(s), yellow_text(s), blue_text(s), cyan_text(s)
  • get_path(mod_name,parent_path=None)
  • allpath(name)
  • cxx_ext_match, fortran_ext_match, f90_ext_match, f90_module_name_match

numpy.distutils.system_info module

  • get_info(name,notfound_action=0)
  • combine_paths(*args,**kws)
  • show_all()

numpy.distutils.cpuinfo module

  • cpuinfo

numpy.distutils.log module

  • set_verbosity(v)

numpy.distutils.exec_command module

  • get_pythonexe()
  • splitcmdline(line)
  • find_executable(exe, path=None)
  • exec_command( command, execute_in='', use_shell=None, use_tee=None, **env )

The file

Scipy package import hooks assume that each Scipy package contains file that contains overall documentation about the package and some variables defining the order of package imports, dependence relations between packages, etc.

The following information will be looked in the file:

The documentation string of the package.
The title of the package. If not defined then the first non-empty line of __doc__ will be used.
List of symbols that package exports. Optional.
List of names that should be imported to numpy name space. To import all symbols to numpy namespace, define global_symbols=['*'].
List of names that the package depends on. Prefix numpy. will be automatically added to package names. For example, use testing to indicate dependence on numpy.testing package. Default value is [].
Boolean variable indicating that importing the package should be postponed until the first attempt of its usage. Default value is False. Depreciated.

The file

To speed up the import time as well as to minimize memory usage, numpy uses ppimport hooks to transparently postpone importing large modules that might not be used during the Scipy usage session. But in order to have an access to the documentation of all Scipy packages, including of the postponed packages, the documentation string of a package (that would usually reside in file) should be copied also to file.

So, the header a typical file is:

# Package ... - ...

from info import __doc__

from numpy.testing import ScipyTest
test = ScipyTest().test

The tests/ directory

Ideally, every Python code, extension module, or subpackage in Scipy package directory should have the corresponding test_<name>.py file in tests/ directory. This file should define classes derived from ScipyTestCase (or from unittest.TestCase) class and have names starting with test. The methods of these classes which names start with bench, check, or test, are passed on to unittest machinery. In addition, the value of the first optional argument of these methods determine the level of the corresponding test. Default level is 1.

A minimal example of a file that implements tests for a Scipy package module containing a function zzz(), is shown below:

import sys
from numpy.testing import *

# import xxx symbols
from xxx.yyy import zzz

# import modules that are located in the same directory as this file.

class test_zzz(ScipyTestCase):
    def check_simple(self, level=1):
        assert zzz()=='Hello from zzz'

if __name__ == "__main__":

ScipyTestCase is derived from unittest.TestCase and it basically only implements an additional method measure(self, code_str, times=1).

numpy.testing module provides also the following convenience functions:

rand(*shape) # returns random array with a given shape

ScipyTest can be used for running tests/test_*.py scripts. For instance, to run all test scripts of the module xxx, execute in Python:

>>> ScipyTest('xxx').test(level=1,verbosity=1)

or equivalently,

>>> import xxx
>>> ScipyTest(xxx).test(level=1,verbosity=1)

To run only tests for xxx.yyy module, execute:

>>> ScipyTest('xxx.yyy').test(level=1,verbosity=1)

To take the level and verbosity parameters for tests from sys.argv, use method (this is supported only when optparse is installed).