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Python Imaging Library

Apply this patch to make PIL Image objects both export and consume the array interface (from Travis Oliphant):

Index: PIL/
--- PIL/        (revision 358)
+++ PIL/        (working copy)
@@ -187,6 +187,42 @@
+if sys.byteorder == 'little':
+    _ENDIAN = '<'
+    _ENDIAN = '>'
+    # official modes
+    "1": ('|b1', None),
+    "L": ('|u1', None),
+    "I": ('%si4' % _ENDIAN, None),
+    "F": ('%sf4' % _ENDIAN, None),
+    "P": ('|u1', None),
+    "RGB": ('|u1', 3),
+    "RGBX": ('|u1', 4),
+    "RGBA": ('|u1', 4),
+    "CMYK": ('|u1', 4),
+    "YCbCr": ('|u1', 4),
+    # Experimental modes include I;16, I;16B, RGBa, BGR;15,
+    # and BGR;24.  Use these modes only if you know exactly
+    # what you're doing...
+def _conv_type_shape(im):
+    shape = im.size[::-1]
+    typ, extra = _MODE_CONV[im.mode]
+    if extra is None:
+        return shape, typ
+    else:
+        return shape+(extra,), typ
@@ -491,6 +527,22 @@
         return string.join(data, "")
+    # Returns the array_interface dictionary
+    #
+    # @return A dictionary with keys 'shape', 'typestr', 'data'
+    def __get_array_interface__(self):
+        new = {}
+        shape, typestr = _conv_type_shape(self)
+        new['shape'] = shape
+        new['typestr'] = typestr
+        new['data'] = self.tostring()
+        return new
+    __array_interface__ = property(__get_array_interface__, None, doc="array interface")
+    ##
     # Returns the image converted to an X11 bitmap.  This method
     # only works for mode "1" images.
@@ -1749,7 +1801,61 @@
     return apply(fromstring, (mode, size, data, decoder_name, args))
+# (New in 1.1.6) Create an image memory from an object exporting
+#  the array interface (using the buffer protocol). 
+#  If obj is not contiguous, then the tostring method is called
+#  and frombuffer is used
+# @param obj Object with array interface
+# @param mode Mode to use (will be determined from type if None)
+def fromarray(obj, mode=None):
+    arr = obj.__array_interface__
+    shape = arr['shape']
+    ndim = len(shape)
+    try:
+        strides = arr['strides']
+    except KeyError:
+        strides = None
+    if mode is None:
+        typestr = arr['typestr']
+        if not (typestr[0] == '|' or typestr[0] == _ENDIAN or
+                typestr[1:] not in ['u1', 'b1', 'i4', 'f4']):
+            raise TypeError, "cannot handle data-type"
+        typestr = typestr[:2]
+        if typestr == 'i4':
+            mode = 'I'
+        elif typestr == 'f4':
+            mode = 'F'
+        elif typestr == 'b1':
+            mode = '1'
+        elif ndim == 2:
+            mode = 'L'
+        elif ndim == 3:
+            mode = 'RGB'
+        elif ndim == 4:
+            mode = 'RGBA'
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "Do not understand data."
+    ndmax = 4
+    bad_dims=0
+    if mode in ['1','L','I','P','F']:
+        ndmax = 2
+    elif mode == 'RGB':
+        ndmax = 3
+    if ndim > ndmax:
+        raise ValueError, "Too many dimensions."
+    size = shape[:2][::-1]
+    if strides is not None:
+        obj = obj.tostring()
+    return frombuffer(mode, size, obj)
 # Opens and identifies the given image file.
 # <p>
 # This is a lazy operation; this function identifies the file, but the


>>> import Image
>>> a=numpy.array(p)
# do something with a ...
>>> im = Image.fromarray(a)
>>> 'foo2.png' )
