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This page gives examples how to read or write a NumPy array to or from a file, be it ascii or binary. The various methods demonstrated all have copious and sometimes sophisticated options, call help to get details.

We will consider a trivial example where we create an array of zeros called data, write it to a file myfile.txt (myfile.dat for the binary case), and read it into read_data.

This documentation could be improved by discussing more sophisticated cases (e.g. multiple arrays), and discussing the costs/benefits of the various approaches presented.

Text files


Writing files can be accomplished using savetxt. By far the easiest way to read text data is via genfromtxt, (or derivative convenience functions recfromtxt and recfromcsv).

>>> from numpy import *
>>> data = zeros((3,3))
>>>#Write data:
>>> savetxt("myfile.txt", data)
>>> data = genfromtxt("myfile.txt") 

Matplotlib (pylab)

Matplotlib provides an easy solution which seems to load data faster than read_array:

>>> from numpy import *
>>> from pylab import load           # warning, the load() function of numpy will be shadowed
>>> from pylab import save
>>> data = zeros((3,3))
>>> save('myfile.txt', data)
>>> read_data = load("myfile.txt")


>>> savetxt('myfile.txt', data, fmt="%12.6G")    # save to file

>>> from numpy import *
>>> data = genfromtxt('table.dat', unpack=True)             

csv files

Note that csv stands for "comma separated value". This means that the separator (also called a delimiter), i.e. the character which is used to separate individual values in a file, is a comma. In the examples above, the default delimiter is a space, but all of the above methods have an option (see their respective help for details), which can be set to a comma in order to read or write a csv file instead.

A more sophisticated example

Or, assuming you have imported numpy as N, you may want to read arbitrary column types. You can also return a recarray, which let's you assign 'column headings' to your array.

   1 def read_array(filename, dtype, separator=','):
   2     """ Read a file with an arbitrary number of columns.
   3         The type of data in each column is arbitrary
   4         It will be cast to the given dtype at runtime
   5     """
   6     cast = N.cast
   7     data = [[] for dummy in xrange(len(dtype))]
   8     for line in open(filename, 'r'):
   9         fields = line.strip().split(separator)
  10         for i, number in enumerate(fields):
  11             data[i].append(number)
  12     for i in xrange(len(dtype)):
  13         data[i] = cast[dtype[i]](data[i])
  14     return N.rec.array(data, dtype=dtype)

This can then be called with the corresponding dtype:

mydescr = N.dtype([('column1', 'int32'), ('column2Name', 'uint32'), ('col3', 'uint64'), ('c4', 'float32')])
myrecarray = read_array('file.csv', mydescr)

Binary Files

The advantage of binary files is the huge reduction in file size. The price paid is losing human readability, and in some formats, losing portability.

Let us consider the array in the previous example.

File format with metadata

The simplest possibility is to use numpy's own binary file format. See, numpy.savez and numpy.load.

>>>'test.npy', data)
>>> data2 = numpy.load('test.npy')

You can save several arrays in a single .npz file using numpy.savez. When loading an .npz file you get an object of type You can obtain a list of arrays and load individual arrays like this:

>>> numpy.savez('foo.npz', a=a,b=b)
>>> foo = numpy.load('foo.npz')
>>> foo.files
['a', 'b']
>>> a2 = foo['a']
>>> b2 = foo['b']

On older systems, the standard was to use python's pickle module to pickle the arrays.

Raw binary

These file formats simply write out the internal representation of the arrays. This is platform-dependent and includes no information about array shape or datatype, but is quick and easy.

SciPy provides fwrite() from You have to set the size of your data, and optionally, its type (integer, short, float, etc; see

For reading binary files, provides fread(). You have to know the datatype of your array, its size and its shape.

>>> from import fwrite, fread
>>> data = zeros((3,3))
>>>#write:  fd = open('myfile.dat', 'wb')
>>> fwrite(fd, data.size, data)
>>> fd.close()
>>> fd = open('myfile.dat', 'rb')
>>> datatype = 'i'
>>> size = 9
>>> shape = (3,3)
>>> read_data = fread(fd, size, datatype)
>>> read_data = data.reshape(shape)

Or, you can simply use data.tofile() and numpy.fromfile(). Following the previous example:

>>> data.tofile('myfile.dat')
>>> fd = open('myfile.dat', 'rb')
>>> read_data = numpy.fromfile(file=fd, dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(shape)

fd is an open file, but you can also use numpy.fromfile(file='myfile.dat, ...) and dtype is a valid numpy data type. The option fromfile(..., count=<number>) specifies the number of data entries of that type you want to read in (the default -1 means read in the whole file, which is what you usually want). However, the method is not recommended for data storage and transfer between different platforms, since no byteorder and datatype information is stored (see also the docstrings). If you want that, use numpy's own binary file format. See, numpy.savez and numpy.load.

>>>'test.npy', data)
>>> data2 = numpy.load('test.npy')

Another, but deprecated, way to fully control endianness (byteorder), storage order (row-major, column-major) for rank > 1 arrays and datatypes that are written and read back is Writing:

>>> from import npfile
>>> shape = (3,3)
>>> data = numpy.random.random(shape)
>>> npf = npfile('test.dat', order='F', endian='<', permission='wb') 
>>> npf.write_array(data)
>>> npf.close()

And reading back:

>>> npf = npfile('test.dat', order='F', endian='<', permission='rb') 
>>> data2 = npf.read_array(float, shape=shape)
>>> npf.close()

Write a Fortran or C array to a binary file with metadata

libnpy is a small library that provides simple routines for saving a C or Fortran array to a data file using NumPy's own binary format. For a description of this format, do

>>> from numpy.lib import format
>>> help(format)

Here is a minimal C example cex.c:

   1 #include"npy.h"
   2 int main(){
   3     double a[2][4] = { { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
   4                        { 5, 6, 7, 8 } };
   5     int shape[2] = { 2, 4 }, fortran_order = 0;
   7     npy_save_double("ca.npy", fortran_order, 2, shape, &a[0][0]);
   8     return 0;
   9 }

The program creates a file ca.npy that you can load into python in the usual way.

>>> ca = np.load('ca.npy')
>>> print ca
[[ 1.  2.  3.  4.]
 [ 5.  6.  7.  8.]]

The corresponding Fortran program, fex.f95, looks like

program fex
    use fnpy
    use iso_c_binding
    implicit none

    integer  :: i
    real(C_DOUBLE) :: a(2,4) = reshape([(i, i=1,8)], [2,4])

    call save_double("fa.npy", shape(a), a)
end program fex

but the entries of the NumPy array now follow the Fortran (column-major) ordering.

>>> fa = np.load('fa.npy')
>>> print fa
[[ 1.  3.  5.  7.]
 [ 2.  4.  6.  8.]]

The README file in the source distribution explains how to compile the library using make.

If you put npy.h and libnpy.a in the same directory as cex.c, then you can build the executable cex with the command

gcc -o cex cex.c libnpy.a

Similarly, with npy.mod and libnpy.a in the same directory as fex.f95, build fex with the command

gfortran -o fex fex.f95 libnpy.a

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