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Attachment 'C_arraytest.c'


   1 /* A file to test imorting C modules for handling arrays to Python */
   3 #include "Python.h"
   4 #include "arrayobject.h"
   5 #include "C_arraytest.h"
   6 #include <math.h>
   8 /* #### Globals #################################### */
  10 /* ==== Set up the methods table ====================== */
  11 static PyMethodDef _C_arraytestMethods[] = {
  12 	{"vecfcn1", vecfcn1, METH_VARARGS},
  13 	{"vecsq", vecsq, METH_VARARGS},
  14 	{"rowx2", rowx2, METH_VARARGS},
  15 	{"rowx2_v2", rowx2_v2, METH_VARARGS},
  16 	{"matsq", matsq, METH_VARARGS},
  17 	{"contigmat", contigmat, METH_VARARGS},
  18 	{"intfcn1", intfcn1, METH_VARARGS},
  19 	{NULL, NULL}     /* Sentinel - marks the end of this structure */
  20 };
  22 /* ==== Initialize the C_test functions ====================== */
  23 // Module name must be _C_arraytest in compile and linked 
  24 void init_C_arraytest()  {
  25 	(void) Py_InitModule("_C_arraytest", _C_arraytestMethods);
  26 	import_array();  // Must be present for NumPy.  Called first after above line.
  27 }
  29 /* #### Vector Extensions ############################## */
  31 /* ==== vector function - manipulate vector in place ======================
  32     Multiply the input by 2 x dfac and put in output
  33     Interface:  vecfcn1(vec1, vec2, str1, d1)
  34                 vec1, vec2 are NumPy vectors, 
  35                 str1 is Python string, d1 is Python float (double)
  36                 Returns integer 1 if successful                */
  37 static PyObject *vecfcn1(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
  38 {
  39 	PyArrayObject *vecin, *vecout;  // The python objects to be extracted from the args
  40 	double *cin, *cout;             // The C vectors to be created to point to the 
  41 	                                //   python vectors, cin and cout point to the row
  42 	                                //   of vecin and vecout, respectively
  43 	int i,j,n;
  44 	const char *str;
  45 	double dfac;
  47 	/* Parse tuples separately since args will differ between C fcns */
  48 	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!sd", &PyArray_Type, &vecin,
  49 		&PyArray_Type, &vecout, &str, &dfac))  return NULL;
  50 	if (NULL == vecin)  return NULL;
  51 	if (NULL == vecout)  return NULL;
  53 	// Print out input string
  54 	printf("Input string: %s\n", str);
  56 	/* Check that objects are 'double' type and vectors
  57 	     Not needed if python wrapper function checks before call to this routine */
  58 	if (not_doublevector(vecin)) return NULL;
  59 	if (not_doublevector(vecout)) return NULL;
  61 	/* Change contiguous arrays into C * arrays   */
  62 	cin=pyvector_to_Carrayptrs(vecin);
  63 	cout=pyvector_to_Carrayptrs(vecout);
  65 	/* Get vector dimension. */
  66 	n=vecin->dimensions[0];
  68 	/* Operate on the vectors  */
  69 	for ( i=0; i<n; i++)  {
  70 			cout[i]=2.0*dfac*cin[i];
  71 	}
  73 	return Py_BuildValue("i", 1);
  74 }
  76 /* ==== Square vector components & multiply by a float =========================
  77     Returns a NEW  NumPy vector array
  78     interface:  vecsq(vec1, x1)
  79                 vec1 is NumPy vector, x1 is Python float (double)
  80                 returns a NumPy vector                                        */
  81 static PyObject *vecsq(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)  {
  82 	PyArrayObject *vecin, *vecout;
  83 	double *cin, *cout, dfactor;   // The C vectors to be created to point to the 
  84 	                               //   python vectors, cin and cout point to the row
  85 	                               //   of vecin and vecout, respectively
  86 	int i,j,n,m, dims[2];
  88 	/* Parse tuples separately since args will differ between C fcns */
  89 	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!d", 
  90 		&PyArray_Type, &vecin, &dfactor))  return NULL;
  91 	if (NULL == vecin)  return NULL;
  93 	/* Check that object input is 'double' type and a vector
  94 	   Not needed if python wrapper function checks before call to this routine */
  95 	if (not_doublevector(vecin)) return NULL;
  97 	/* Get the dimension of the input */
  98 	n=dims[0]=vecin->dimensions[0];
 100 	/* Make a new double vector of same dimension */
 101 	vecout=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromDims(1,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);
 103 	/* Change contiguous arrays into C *arrays   */
 104 	cin=pyvector_to_Carrayptrs(vecin);
 105 	cout=pyvector_to_Carrayptrs(vecout);
 107 	/* Do the calculation. */
 108 	for ( i=0; i<n; i++)  {
 109 			cout[i]= dfactor*cin[i]*cin[i];
 110 	}
 112 	return PyArray_Return(vecout);
 113 }
 115 /* #### Vector Utility functions ######################### */
 117 /* ==== Make a Python Array Obj. from a PyObject, ================
 118      generates a double vector w/ contiguous memory which may be a new allocation if
 119      the original was not a double type or contiguous 
 120   !! Must DECREF the object returned from this routine unless it is returned to the
 121      caller of this routines caller using return PyArray_Return(obj) or
 122      PyArray_BuildValue with the "N" construct   !!!
 123 */
 124 PyArrayObject *pyvector(PyObject *objin)  {
 125 	return (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(objin,
 126 		NPY_DOUBLE, 1,1);
 127 }
 128 /* ==== Create 1D Carray from PyArray ======================
 129     Assumes PyArray is contiguous in memory.             */
 130 double *pyvector_to_Carrayptrs(PyArrayObject *arrayin)  {
 131 	int i,n;
 133 	n=arrayin->dimensions[0];
 134 	return (double *) arrayin->data;  /* pointer to arrayin data as double */
 135 }
 136 /* ==== Check that PyArrayObject is a double (Float) type and a vector ==============
 137     return 1 if an error and raise exception */ 
 138 int  not_doublevector(PyArrayObject *vec)  {
 139 	if (vec->descr->type_num != NPY_DOUBLE || vec->nd != 1)  {
 140 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
 141 			"In not_doublevector: array must be of type Float and 1 dimensional (n).");
 142 		return 1;  }
 143 	return 0;
 144 }
 146 /* #### Matrix Extensions ############################## */
 148 /* ==== Row x 2 function - manipulate matrix in place ======================
 149     Multiply the 2nd row of the input by 2 and put in output
 150     interface:  rowx2(mat1, mat2)
 151                 mat1 and mat2 are NumPy matrices
 152                 Returns integer 1 if successful                        */
 153 static PyObject *rowx2(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 154 {
 155 	PyArrayObject *matin, *matout;  // The python objects to be extracted from the args
 156 	double **cin, **cout;           // The C matrices to be created to point to the 
 157 	                                //   python matrices, cin and cout point to the rows
 158 	                                //   of matin and matout, respectively
 159 	int i,j,n,m;
 161 	/* Parse tuples separately since args will differ between C fcns */
 162 	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!", &PyArray_Type, &matin,
 163 		&PyArray_Type, &matout))  return NULL;
 164 	if (NULL == matin)  return NULL;
 165 	if (NULL == matout)  return NULL;
 167 	/* Check that objects are 'double' type and matrices
 168 	     Not needed if python wrapper function checks before call to this routine */
 169 	if (not_doublematrix(matin)) return NULL;
 170 	if (not_doublematrix(matout)) return NULL;
 172 	/* Change contiguous arrays into C ** arrays (Memory is Allocated!) */
 173 	cin=pymatrix_to_Carrayptrs(matin);
 174 	cout=pymatrix_to_Carrayptrs(matout);
 176 	/* Get matrix dimensions. */
 177 	n=matin->dimensions[0];
 178 	m=matin->dimensions[1];
 180 	/* Operate on the matrices  */
 181 	for ( i=0; i<n; i++)  {
 182 		for ( j=0; j<m; j++)  {
 183 			if (i==1) cout[i][j]=2.0*cin[i][j];
 184 	}  }
 186 	/* Free memory, close file and return */
 187 	free_Carrayptrs(cin);
 188 	free_Carrayptrs(cout);
 189 	return Py_BuildValue("i", 1);
 190 }
 191 /* ==== Row x 2 function- Version 2. - manipulate matrix in place ======================
 192     Multiply the 2nd row of the input by 2 and put in output
 193     interface:  rowx2(mat1, mat2)
 194                 mat1 and mat2 are NumPy matrices
 195                 Returns integer 1 if successful
 196     Uses the utility function pymatrix to make NumPy C objects from PyObjects
 197 */
 198 static PyObject *rowx2_v2(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 199 {
 200 	PyObject *Pymatin, *Pymatout;   // The python objects to be extracted from the args
 201 	PyArrayObject *matin, *matout;  // The python array objects to be extracted from python objects
 202 	double **cin, **cout;           // The C matrices to be created to point to the 
 203 	                                //   python matrices, cin and cout point to the rows
 204 	                                //   of matin and matout, respectively
 205 	int i,j,n,m;
 207 	/* Parse tuples separately since args will differ between C fcns */
 208 	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", &Pymatin, &Pymatout))  return NULL;
 209 	if (NULL == Pymatin)  return NULL;
 210 	if (NULL == Pymatout)  return NULL;
 212 	/* Convert Python Objects to Python Array Objects */
 213 	matin= pymatrix(Pymatin);
 214 	matout= pymatrix(Pymatout);
 216 	/* Check that objects are 'double' type and matrices
 217 	     Not needed if python wrapper function checks before call to this routine */
 218 	if (not_doublematrix(matin)) return NULL;
 219 	if (not_doublematrix(matout)) return NULL;
 221 	/* Change contiguous arrays into C ** arrays (Memory is Allocated!) */
 222 	cin=pymatrix_to_Carrayptrs(matin);
 223 	cout=pymatrix_to_Carrayptrs(matout);
 225 	/* Get matrix dimensions. */
 226 	n=matin->dimensions[0];
 227 	m=matin->dimensions[1];
 229 	/* Operate on the matrices  */
 230 	for ( i=0; i<n; i++)  {
 231 		for ( j=0; j<m; j++)  {
 232 			if (i==1) cout[i][j]=2.0*cin[i][j];
 233 	}  }
 235 	/* Free memory, close file and return */
 236 	free_Carrayptrs(cin);
 237 	free_Carrayptrs(cout);
 238 	return Py_BuildValue("i", 1);
 239 }
 240 /* ==== Square matrix components function & multiply by int and float =========
 241     Returns a NEW NumPy array
 242     interface:  matsq(mat1, i1, d1)
 243                 mat1 is NumPy matrix, i1 is Python integer, d1 is Python float (double)
 244                 returns a NumPy matrix                                        */
 245 static PyObject *matsq(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 246 {
 247 	PyArrayObject *matin, *matout;
 248 	double **cin, **cout, dfactor;
 249 	int i,j,n,m, dims[2], ifactor;
 251 	/* Parse tuples separately since args will differ between C fcns */
 252 	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!id", 
 253 		&PyArray_Type, &matin, &ifactor, &dfactor))  return NULL;
 254 	if (NULL == matin)  return NULL;
 256 	/* Check that object input is 'double' type and a matrix
 257 	   Not needed if python wrapper function checks before call to this routine */
 258 	if (not_doublematrix(matin)) return NULL;
 260 	/* Get the dimensions of the input */
 261 	n=dims[0]=matin->dimensions[0];
 262 	m=dims[1]=matin->dimensions[1];
 264 	/* Make a new double matrix of same dims */
 265 	matout=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromDims(2,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);
 267 	/* Change contiguous arrays into C ** arrays (Memory is Allocated!) */
 268 	cin=pymatrix_to_Carrayptrs(matin);
 269 	cout=pymatrix_to_Carrayptrs(matout);
 271 	/* Do the calculation. */
 272 	for ( i=0; i<n; i++)  {
 273 		for ( j=0; j<m; j++)  {
 274 			cout[i][j]= ifactor*dfactor*cin[i][j]*cin[i][j];
 275 	}  }
 277 	/* Free memory, close file and return */
 278 	free_Carrayptrs(cin);
 279 	free_Carrayptrs(cout);
 280 	return PyArray_Return(matout);
 281 }
 283 /* ==== Operate on Matrix components as contiguous memory =========================
 284   Shows how to access the array data as a contiguous block of memory. Used, for example,
 285   in matrix classes implemented as contiquous memory rather than as n arrays of 
 286   pointers to the data "rows"
 288     Returns a NEW NumPy array
 289     interface:  contigmat(mat1, x1)
 290                 mat1 is NumPy matrix, x1 is Python float (double)
 291                 returns a NumPy matrix                                        */
 292 static PyObject *contigmat(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 293 {
 294 	PyArrayObject *matin, *matout;
 295 	double *cin, *cout, x1;     // Pointers to the contiguous data in the matrices to
 296 	                            // be used by C (e.g. passed to a program that uses
 297 	                            // matrix classes implemented as contiquous memory rather
 298 	                            // than as n arrays of pointers to the data "rows"
 299 	int i,j,n,m, dims[2], ncomps;  // ncomps=n*m=total number of matrix components in mat1
 301 	/* Parse tuples separately since args will differ between C fcns */
 302 	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!d", 
 303 		&PyArray_Type, &matin, &x1))  return NULL;
 304 	if (NULL == matin)  return NULL;
 306 	/* Check that object input is 'double' type and a matrix
 307 	   Not needed if python wrapper function checks before call to this routine */
 308 	if (not_doublematrix(matin)) return NULL;
 310 	/* Get the dimensions of the input */
 311 	n=dims[0]=matin->dimensions[0];
 312 	m=dims[1]=matin->dimensions[1];
 313 	ncomps=n*m;
 315 	/* Make a new double matrix of same dims */
 316 	matout=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromDims(2,dims,NPY_DOUBLE);
 318 	/* Change contiguous arrays into C * arrays pointers to PyArrayObject data */
 319 	cin=pyvector_to_Carrayptrs(matin);
 320 	cout=pyvector_to_Carrayptrs(matout);
 322 	/* Do the calculation. */
 323 	printf("In contigmat, cout (as contiguous memory) =\n");
 324 	for ( i=0; i<ncomps; i++)  {
 325 		cout[i]= cin[i]-x1;
 326 		printf("%e ",cout[i]);
 327 	}
 328 	printf("\n");
 330 	return PyArray_Return(matout);
 331 }
 333 /* #### Matrix Utility functions ######################### */
 335 /* ==== Make a Python Array Obj. from a PyObject, ================
 336      generates a double matrix w/ contiguous memory which may be a new allocation if
 337      the original was not a double type or contiguous 
 338   !! Must DECREF the object returned from this routine unless it is returned to the
 339      caller of this routines caller using return PyArray_Return(obj) or
 340      PyArray_BuildValue with the "N" construct   !!!
 341 */
 342 PyArrayObject *pymatrix(PyObject *objin)  {
 343 	return (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(objin,
 344 		NPY_DOUBLE, 2,2);
 345 }
 346 /* ==== Create Carray from PyArray ======================
 347     Assumes PyArray is contiguous in memory.
 348     Memory is allocated!                                    */
 349 double **pymatrix_to_Carrayptrs(PyArrayObject *arrayin)  {
 350 	double **c, *a;
 351 	int i,n,m;
 353 	n=arrayin->dimensions[0];
 354 	m=arrayin->dimensions[1];
 355 	c=ptrvector(n);
 356 	a=(double *) arrayin->data;  /* pointer to arrayin data as double */
 357 	for ( i=0; i<n; i++)  {
 358 		c[i]=a+i*m;  }
 359 	return c;
 360 }
 361 /* ==== Allocate a double *vector (vec of pointers) ======================
 362     Memory is Allocated!  See void free_Carray(double ** )                  */
 363 double **ptrvector(long n)  {
 364 	double **v;
 365 	v=(double **)malloc((size_t) (n*sizeof(double)));
 366 	if (!v)   {
 367 		printf("In **ptrvector. Allocation of memory for double array failed.");
 368 		exit(0);  }
 369 	return v;
 370 }
 371 /* ==== Free a double *vector (vec of pointers) ========================== */ 
 372 void free_Carrayptrs(double **v)  {
 373 	free((char*) v);
 374 }
 375 /* ==== Check that PyArrayObject is a double (Float) type and a matrix ==============
 376     return 1 if an error and raise exception */ 
 377 int  not_doublematrix(PyArrayObject *mat)  {
 378 	if (mat->descr->type_num != NPY_DOUBLE || mat->nd != 2)  {
 379 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
 380 			"In not_doublematrix: array must be of type Float and 2 dimensional (n x m).");
 381 		return 1;  }
 382 	return 0;
 383 }
 385 /* #### Integer 2D Array Extensions ############################## */
 387 /* ==== Integer function - manipulate integer 2D array in place ======================
 388     Replace >=0 integer with 1 and < 0 integer with 0 and put in output
 389     interface:  intfcn1(int1, afloat)
 390                 int1 is a NumPy integer 2D array, afloat is a Python float
 391                 Returns integer 1 if successful                        */
 392 static PyObject *intfcn1(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
 393 {
 394 	PyArrayObject *intin, *intout;  // The python objects to be extracted from the args
 395 	int **cin, **cout;              // The C integer 2D arrays to be created to point to the 
 396 	                                //   python integer 2D arrays, cin and cout point to the rows
 397 	                                //   of intin and intout, respectively
 398 	int i,j,n,m, dims[2];
 399 	double afloat;
 401 	/* Parse tuples separately since args will differ between C fcns */
 402 	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!d", 
 403 		&PyArray_Type, &intin, &afloat))  return NULL;
 404 	if (NULL == intin)  return NULL;
 406 	printf("In intfcn1, the input Python float = %e, a C double\n",afloat);
 408 	/* Check that object input is int type and a 2D array
 409 	   Not needed if python wrapper function checks before call to this routine */
 410 	if (not_int2Darray(intin)) return NULL;
 412 	/* Get the dimensions of the input */
 413 	n=dims[0]=intin->dimensions[0];
 414 	m=dims[1]=intin->dimensions[1];
 416 	/* Make a new int array of same dims */
 417 	intout=(PyArrayObject *) PyArray_FromDims(2,dims,NPY_LONG);
 419 	/* Change contiguous arrays into C ** arrays (Memory is Allocated!) */
 420 	cin=pyint2Darray_to_Carrayptrs(intin);
 421 	cout=pyint2Darray_to_Carrayptrs(intout);
 423 	/* Do the calculation. */
 424 	for ( i=0; i<n; i++)  {
 425 		for ( j=0; j<m; j++)  {
 426 			if (cin[i][j] >= 0)  {
 427 				cout[i][j]= 1;  }
 428 			else  {
 429 				cout[i][j]= 0;  }
 430 	}  }
 432 	printf("In intfcn1, the output array is,\n\n");
 434 	for ( i=0; i<n; i++)  {
 435 		for ( j=0; j<m; j++)  {
 436 			printf("%d ",cout[i][j]);
 437 		}
 438 		printf("\n");
 439 	}
 440 	printf("\n");
 442 	/* Free memory, close file and return */
 443 	free_Cint2Darrayptrs(cin);
 444 	free_Cint2Darrayptrs(cout);
 445 	return PyArray_Return(intout);
 446 }
 447 /* #### Integer Array Utility functions ######################### */
 449 /* ==== Make a Python int Array Obj. from a PyObject, ================
 450      generates a 2D integer array w/ contiguous memory which may be a new allocation if
 451      the original was not an integer type or contiguous 
 452   !! Must DECREF the object returned from this routine unless it is returned to the
 453      caller of this routines caller using return PyArray_Return(obj) or
 454      PyArray_BuildValue with the "N" construct   !!!
 455 */
 456 PyArrayObject *pyint2Darray(PyObject *objin)  {
 457 	return (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(objin,
 458 		NPY_LONG, 2,2);
 459 }
 460 /* ==== Create integer 2D Carray from PyArray ======================
 461     Assumes PyArray is contiguous in memory.
 462     Memory is allocated!                                    */
 463 int **pyint2Darray_to_Carrayptrs(PyArrayObject *arrayin)  {
 464 	int **c, *a;
 465 	int i,n,m;
 467 	n=arrayin->dimensions[0];
 468 	m=arrayin->dimensions[1];
 469 	c=ptrintvector(n);
 470 	a=(int *) arrayin->data;  /* pointer to arrayin data as int */
 471 	for ( i=0; i<n; i++)  {
 472 		c[i]=a+i*m;  }
 473 	return c;
 474 }
 475 /* ==== Allocate a a *int (vec of pointers) ======================
 476     Memory is Allocated!  See void free_Carray(int ** )                  */
 477 int **ptrintvector(long n)  {
 478 	int **v;
 479 	v=(int **)malloc((size_t) (n*sizeof(int)));
 480 	if (!v)   {
 481 		printf("In **ptrintvector. Allocation of memory for int array failed.");
 482 		exit(0);  }
 483 	return v;
 484 }
 485 /* ==== Free an int *vector (vec of pointers) ========================== */ 
 486 void free_Cint2Darrayptrs(int **v)  {
 487 	free((char*) v);
 488 }
 489 /* ==== Check that PyArrayObject is an int (integer) type and a 2D array ==============
 490     return 1 if an error and raise exception
 491     Note:  Use NY_LONG for NumPy integer array, not NP_INT      */ 
 492 int  not_int2Darray(PyArrayObject *mat)  {
 493 	if (mat->descr->type_num != NPY_LONG || mat->nd != 2)  {
 494 		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
 495 			"In not_int2Darray: array must be of type int and 2 dimensional (n x m).");
 496 		return 1;  }
 497 	return 0;
 498 }
 506 // EOF

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