This is an archival dump of old wiki content --- see for current material


For the record, here is the script that was used to generate the upcasting table.

   1 import numpy
   3 types = [
   4 'bool_',
   5 'uint8','uint16','uint32','uint64',
   6 'int8','int16','int32','int64',
   7 'float32','float64','float96',
   8 'complex64','complex128','complex192',
   9 ]
  11 t = []
  12 for ta in types:
  13         a = numpy.zeros( (1,), dtype=numpy.typeDict[ta] )
  14         ti = []
  15         t.append(ti)
  16         for tb in types:
  17                 b = numpy.zeros( (1,), dtype=numpy.typeDict[tb] )
  18                 ti.append( (a+b) )
  20 ntypes = len(types)
  21 print '|| ',
  22 for j in range(ntypes):
  23         print '||', "'''"+types[j]+"'''",
  24 print ' ||'
  25 for i in range(ntypes):
  26         print '||', "'''"+types[i]+"'''",
  27         for j in range(ntypes):
  28                 if i<=j:
  29                         print '||', t[i][j],
  30                 else:
  31                         print '||',
  32         print '||'