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Tutorial Sessions

The Tutorials will be held in the Moore building, sub-basement room 070 Lecture Hall as noted on the map. There is no extra charge for the tutorials. If you plan to attend, please drop an email to info at enthought dot com.

Bryce Hendrix is putting together a LiveCD to be distributed to tutorial attendees. Check here for more information, updates, and a link to an ISO.


9:00 -- 11:00

Numpy (Travis Oliphant)

11:00 -- 12:30

IPython/Matplotlib (Fernando Perez/John Hunter)

12:30 -- 1:30


1:30 -- 2:00

Question and Answer Session with Fernando and John

2:00 -- 3:00

Scientific Apps - Traits/TraitsUI (Eric Jones/Dave Morrill)

3:00 -- 4:00

Data Exploration with Chaco (Peter Wang)

4:00 -- 6:00

Mayavi/TVTK (Prabhu Ramachandran) (PDF slides)