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This was sent in an email from Jesper Friis to the scipy-dev mailing list on 2006-03-06 titled "Test case for integrate/ banded systems"

I hope this is the correct place to post messages like this. Last Friday I submitted a small patch for integrate/ making it working for banded systems. I have now successfully applied the solver to the banded example problem included in the cvode package. The attached script might both work as a test and as an example on how to solve banded systems.

I think, especially the following comment considering the Jacobian might be of general interest:

    # The Jacobian.
    # For banded systems this function returns a matrix pd of
    # size ml+mu*2+1 by neq containing the partial derivatives
    # df[k]/du[u]. Here f is the right hand side function in
    # udot=f(t,u), ml and mu are the lower and upper half bandwidths
    # and neq the number of equations.  The derivatives df[k]/du[l]
    # are loaded into pd[mu+k-l,k], i.e. the diagonals are loaded into
    # the rows of pd from top down (fortran indexing).
    # Confusingly, the number of rows VODE expect is not ml+mu+1, but
    # given by a parameter nrowpd, which unfortunately is left out in
    # the python interface. However, it seems that VODE expect that
    # nrowpd = ml+2*mu+1. E.g. for our system with ml=mu=5 VODE expect
    # 16 rows. Fortunately the f2py interface prints out an error if
    # the number of rows is wrong, so as long ml and mu are known in
    # beforehand one can always determine nrowpd by trial and error...

Regards /Jesper

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Test provided provided by Jesper Friis, <>

from scipy import arange,zeros,exp
from scipy.integrate import ode

def test_ode_banded():
    """Banded example copied from CVODE.
    The following is a simple example problem with a banded Jacobian,
    with the program for its solution by CVODE.
    The problem is the semi-discrete form of the advection-diffusion 
    equation in 2-D:                                                 
      du/dt = d2 u / dx2 + 0.5 du/dx + d2 u / dy2                 
    on the rectangle 0 <= x <= 2, 0 <= y <= 1, and the time          
    interval 0 <= t <= 1.  Homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions 
    are posed, and the initial condition is                          
      u(x,y,t=0) = x(2-x)y(1-y)exp(5xy) .                            
    The PDE is discretized on a uniform MX+2 by MY+2 grid with       
    central differencing, and with boundary values eliminated,       
    leaving an ODE system of size NEQ = MX*MY.                       

    Assuming that MY < MX a minimum bandwidth banded system can be
    constructed by arranging the grid points along columns. This
    results in the lower and upper bandwidths ml = mu = MY.

    This function solves the problem with the BDF method, Newton      
    iteration with the VODE band linear solver, and a user-supplied 
    Jacobian routine. It uses scalar relative and absolute tolerances.
    Output is printed at t = 0., .1, .2, ..., 1.                         
    # Some constants
    xmax = 2.0              # domain boundaries
    ymax = 1.0
    mx = 10                 # mesh dimensions
    my = 5
    dx = xmax/(mx+1.)       # grid spacing
    dy = ymax/(my+1.)
    neq = mx*my             # number of equations
    mu = my                 # half bandwidths
    ml = my
    atol = 1.e-5            # scalar absolute tolerance
    nrowpd = ml+2*mu+1      # number of rows in storage of banded Jacobian
    x = dx*(arange(mx)+1.0) # inner grid points
    y = dy*(arange(my)+1.0)
    t = 0.1*arange(11)      # the times we want to print the solution

    # The right hand side function in udot = f(t,u)
    def f(t,u):
        for j in range(mx):
            for i in range(my):
                # Get index of gridpoint i,j in u and udot
                k = j*my+i 
                # Extract u at x_j, y_i and four neighboring points
                ult = urt = uup = udn = 0.0
                uij = u[k]
                if j>0:    ult = u[k-my]
                if j<mx-1: urt = u[k+my]
                if i>0:    uup = u[k-1]
                if i<my-1: udn = u[k+1]
                # Set diffusion and advection terms and load into udot
                hdiff = (ult - 2.0*uij + urt)/(dx*dx)
                vdiff = (uup - 2.0*uij + udn)/(dy*dy)
                hadv  = 0.5*(urt - ult)/(2.0*dx)
                udot[j*my+i] = hdiff + hadv + vdiff
        return udot

    # The Jacobian.
    # For banded systems this function returns a matrix pd of
    # size ml+mu*2+1 by neq containing the partial derivatives
    # df[k]/du[u]. Here f is the right hand side function in
    # udot=f(t,u), ml and mu are the lower and upper half bandwidths
    # and neq the number of equations.  The derivatives df[k]/du[l]
    # are loaded into pd[mu+k-l,k], i.e. the diagonals are loaded into
    # the rows of pd from top down (fortran indexing).
    # Confusingly, the number of rows VODE expect is not ml+mu+1, but
    # given by a parameter nrowpd, which unfortunately is left out in
    # the python interface. However, it seems that VODE expect that
    # nrowpd = ml+2*mu+1. E.g. for our system with ml=mu=5 VODE expect
    # 16 rows. Fortunately the f2py interface prints out an error if
    # the number of rows is wrong, so as long ml and mu are known in
    # beforehand one can always determine nrowpd by trial and error...
    def jac(t,u):
        # The components of u that f[i,j] = udot_ij depends on are:
        # u[i,j], u[i,j-1], u[i,j+1], u[i-1,j] and u[i+1,j], with
        #   df[i,j]/du[i,j]   = -2 (1/dx2 + 1/dy2),          l=k
        #   df[i,j]/du[i,j-1] = 1/dx2 - .25/dx,       j>0,    l=k-my
        #   df[i,j]/du[i,j+1] = 1/dx2 + .25/dx,       j<MX-1, l=k+my
        #   df[i,j]/du[i-1,j] = 1/dy2                 i>0,    l=k-1
        #   df[i,j]/du[i+1,j] = 1/dy2                 i<MY-1, l=k+1
        # where k=j*my+i.
        for j in range(mx):
            for i in range(my):
                k = j*my+i
                pd[mu,k] = -2.0*(1.0/(dx*dx) + 1.0/(dy*dy))
                if j > 0:    pd[mu-my,k] = 1.0/(dx*dx) + 0.25/dx
                if j < mx-1: pd[mu+my,k] = 1.0/(dx*dx) + 0.25/dx
                if i > 0:    pd[mu-1,k]  = 1.0/(dy*dy)
                if k < my-1: pd[mu+1,k]  = 1.0/(dy*dy)
        return pd

    # Initial value
    u = zeros(neq,float)
    for j in range(mx):
        u[j*my:(j+1)*my] = x[j]*(xmax - x[j])*y*(ymax - y)*exp(5*x[j]*y)

    # Allocate global work arrays pd and udot
    pd   = zeros((nrowpd,neq),float)
    udot = zeros(neq,float)

    # Solve the problem
    print "2-D advection-diffusion equation, mesh dimensions =%3d %3d" %(mx,my)
    print "Banded solution, bandwidth = %d" % (ml+mu+1)
    r = ode(f, jac)
    r.set_initial_value(u, t=t[0])
    print 'At t=%4.2f    max.norm(u) = %-12.4e'%(r.t, max(u))
    for tout in t[1:]:
        u = r.integrate(tout)
        print 'At t=%4.2f    max.norm(u) = %-12.4e'%(r.t, max(u))
        if not r.successful():
            print "An error occurred during integration"
