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   1 import numpy as npy
   2 from scipy.weave import inline
   3 from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_almost_equal
   5 def prodsum(a, b, axis=None):
   6     assert a.shape == b.shape, "cannot take prodsum of different size arrays"
   7     nd = len(a.shape)
   8     if axis is not None:
   9         caxis = axis if axis >=0 else nd + axis
  10         assert caxis < nd, "cannot perform operation in this axis: %d"%axis  
  11         dims = list(a.shape)
  12         dims.pop(caxis)
  13         c = npy.zeros(tuple(dims), npy.float64)
  14     else:
  15         caxis = -1
  16         c = npy.array([0.0])
  18     xtra = \
  19 """
  20 double prodsum(double *d1, double *d2, int stride, int size)
  21 {
  22   double s = 0.0;
  23   while(size--) {
  24     s += (*d1) * (*d2);
  25     d1 += stride;
  26     d2 += stride;
  27   }
  28   return s;
  29 }
  30 """
  32     code = \
  33 """
  34 double *d1, *d2, *d3;
  35 int sumall = caxis < 0 ? 1 : 0;
  36 PyArrayIterObject *itr1, *itr2, *itr3;
  37 itr1 = (PyArrayIterObject *) PyArray_IterAllButAxis(py_a, &caxis);
  38 itr2 = (PyArrayIterObject *) PyArray_IterAllButAxis(py_b, &caxis);
  39 if(!sumall) itr3 = (PyArrayIterObject *) PyArray_IterNew(py_c);
  40  // make use of auto defined arrays
  41 int stride = Sa[caxis]/sizeof(double);
  42 int size = Na[caxis];
  43 while( PyArray_ITER_NOTDONE(itr1) ) {
  44   d1 = (double *) itr1->dataptr;
  45   d2 = (double *) itr2->dataptr;
  46   if(sumall) {
  47     d3 = c;
  48   } else {
  49     d3 = (double *) itr3->dataptr;
  50     PyArray_ITER_NEXT(itr3);
  51   }
  52   *d3 += prodsum(d1, d2, stride, size);
  53   PyArray_ITER_NEXT(itr1);
  54   PyArray_ITER_NEXT(itr2);
  55 }
  56 """
  57     inline(code, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'caxis'], compiler='gcc',
  58            support_code=xtra)
  59     return c[0] if axis is None else c
  62 def tests():
  63     a = npy.random.rand(4,2,9)
  64     b = npy.ones_like(a)
  65     assert_almost_equal(prodsum(a,b), a.sum())
  66     assert_array_almost_equal(prodsum(a,b,axis=-1), a.sum(axis=-1))
  67     assert_array_almost_equal(prodsum(a[:2,:,1::2], b[:2,:,1::2], axis=0),
  68                               a[:2,:,1::2].sum(axis=0))
  69     assert_array_almost_equal(prodsum(a[:,:,::-1], b[:,:,::-1], axis=-1),
  70                               a[:,:,::-1].sum(axis=-1))
  71     print "all passed"

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