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Cookbook/MayaVi . . . 53 matches
...[[|Mayavi2]] is a interactive program allowing elaborate 3D plots of scientific data in Python with scipy. It is the successor of [[http:/...

2.5k - rev: 66 (current) last modified: 2015-10-24 17:48:23

AllPages . . . 173 matches
... * [[argsort]] * [[ArmandoSerrano]] * [[ArndBaecker/InstallScipy]] * [[ArndBaecker/MayaVi2]] * [[ArndBaecker]] * [[Array_Interface]] * [[ArrayInterfacePEP]] * [[ASP]] * [[...

14.3k - rev: 4 (current) last modified: 2015-10-24 18:03:06