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   1 from enthought.tvtk import tvtk
   2 cs = tvtk.ConeSource(resolution=100)
   3 mapper = tvtk.PolyDataMapper(input=cs.output)
   4 actor = tvtk.Actor(mapper=mapper)
   6 # create a renderer:
   7 renderer = tvtk.Renderer()
   8 # create a render window and hand it the renderer:
   9 render_window = tvtk.RenderWindow(size=(400,400))
  10 render_window.add_renderer(renderer)
  12 # create interactor and hand it the render window
  13 # This handles mouse interaction with window.
  14 interactor = tvtk.RenderWindowInteractor(render_window=render_window)
  15 renderer.add_actor(actor)
  16 interactor.initialize()
  17 interactor.start()

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