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Additional_Documentation/Astronomy_Tutorial . . . 2 matches
This tutorial has been written by Perry Greenfield and Robert Jedrzejewski to illustrate how one can use Python to do interactive data analysis in astronomy (in much the same style

3.5k - rev: 16 (current) last modified: 2015-10-24 17:48:25

Additional_Documentation . . . 3 matches basic and advanced aspects of Scipy: * [[/Astronomy_Tutorial|Interactive data analysis tutorial]]: Tutorial on using Scipy for interactive da...

5.4k - rev: 104 (current) last modified: 2015-10-24 17:48:25

AllPages . . . 6 matches
... * [[abs]] * [[absolute]] * [[add]] * [[Additional_Documentation/Astronomy_Tutorial/Numarray]] * [[Additional_Documentation/Astronomy_Tutorial]] * [[Additional_Documentation/N...

14.3k - rev: 4 (current) last modified: 2015-10-24 18:03:06

Getting_Started . . . 2 matches to use scipy = The quick way to get working with scipy is probably this [[Additional_Documentation/Astronomy_Tutorial|tutorial focused on interactive data analysis]]. ## Hack ...

12.7k - rev: 66 (current) last modified: 2015-10-24 17:48:26