

scipy.sparse.random_array(shape, *, density=0.01, format='coo', dtype=None, random_state=None, data_sampler=None)[source]#

Return a sparse array of uniformly random numbers in [0, 1)

Returns a sparse array with the given shape and density where values are generated uniformly randomly in the range [0, 1).


Since numpy 1.17, passing a np.random.Generator (e.g. np.random.default_rng) for random_state will lead to much faster execution times.

A much slower implementation is used by default for backwards compatibility.

shapeint or tuple of ints

shape of the array

densityreal, optional (default: 0.01)

density of the generated matrix: density equal to one means a full matrix, density of 0 means a matrix with no non-zero items.

formatstr, optional (default: ‘coo’)

sparse matrix format.

dtypedtype, optional (default: np.float64)

type of the returned matrix values.

random_state{None, int, Generator, RandomState}, optional

A random number generator to determine nonzero structure. We recommend using a numpy.random.Generator manually provided for every call as it is much faster than RandomState.

  • If None (or np.random), the numpy.random.RandomState singleton is used.

  • If an int, a new Generator instance is used, seeded with the int.

  • If a Generator or RandomState instance then that instance is used.

This random state will be used for sampling indices (the sparsity structure), and by default for the data values too (see data_sampler).

data_samplercallable, optional (default depends on dtype)

Sampler of random data values with keyword arg size. This function should take a single keyword argument size specifying the length of its returned ndarray. It is used to generate the nonzero values in the matrix after the locations of those values are chosen. By default, uniform [0, 1) random values are used unless dtype is an integer (default uniform integers from that dtype) or complex (default uniform over the unit square in the complex plane). For these, the random_state rng is used e.g. rng.uniform(size=size).

ressparse array


Passing a np.random.Generator instance for better performance:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import scipy as sp
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng()

Default sampling uniformly from [0, 1):

>>> S = sp.sparse.random_array((3, 4), density=0.25, random_state=rng)

Providing a sampler for the values:

>>> rvs = sp.stats.poisson(25, loc=10).rvs
>>> S = sp.sparse.random_array((3, 4), density=0.25,
...                            random_state=rng, data_sampler=rvs)
>>> S.toarray()
array([[ 36.,   0.,  33.,   0.],   # random
       [  0.,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [  0.,   0.,  36.,   0.]])

Building a custom distribution. This example builds a squared normal from np.random:

>>> def np_normal_squared(size=None, random_state=rng):
...     return random_state.standard_normal(size) ** 2
>>> S = sp.sparse.random_array((3, 4), density=0.25, random_state=rng,
...                      data_sampler=np_normal_squared)

Or we can build it from sp.stats style rvs functions:

>>> def sp_stats_normal_squared(size=None, random_state=rng):
...     std_normal = sp.stats.distributions.norm_gen().rvs
...     return std_normal(size=size, random_state=random_state) ** 2
>>> S = sp.sparse.random_array((3, 4), density=0.25, random_state=rng,
...                      data_sampler=sp_stats_normal_squared)

Or we can subclass sp.stats rv_continuous or rv_discrete:

>>> class NormalSquared(sp.stats.rv_continuous):
...     def _rvs(self,  size=None, random_state=rng):
...         return random_state.standard_normal(size) ** 2
>>> X = NormalSquared()
>>> Y = X().rvs
>>> S = sp.sparse.random_array((3, 4), density=0.25,
...                            random_state=rng, data_sampler=Y)