- scipy.linalg.rsf2csf(T, Z, check_finite=True)[source]#
Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form.
Convert a quasi-diagonal real-valued Schur form to the upper-triangular complex-valued Schur form.
The documentation is written assuming array arguments are of specified “core” shapes. However, array argument(s) of this function may have additional “batch” dimensions prepended to the core shape. In this case, the array is treated as a batch of lower-dimensional slices; see Batched Linear Operations for details.
- Parameters:
- T(M, M) array_like
Real Schur form of the original array
- Z(M, M) array_like
Schur transformation matrix
- check_finitebool, optional
Whether to check that the input arrays contain only finite numbers. Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
- Returns:
- T(M, M) ndarray
Complex Schur form of the original array
- Z(M, M) ndarray
Schur transformation matrix corresponding to the complex form
See also
Schur decomposition of an array
>>> import numpy as np >>> from scipy.linalg import schur, rsf2csf >>> A = np.array([[0, 2, 2], [0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 1]]) >>> T, Z = schur(A) >>> T array([[ 2.65896708, 1.42440458, -1.92933439], [ 0. , -0.32948354, -0.49063704], [ 0. , 1.31178921, -0.32948354]]) >>> Z array([[0.72711591, -0.60156188, 0.33079564], [0.52839428, 0.79801892, 0.28976765], [0.43829436, 0.03590414, -0.89811411]]) >>> T2 , Z2 = rsf2csf(T, Z) >>> T2 array([[2.65896708+0.j, -1.64592781+0.743164187j, -1.21516887+1.00660462j], [0.+0.j , -0.32948354+8.02254558e-01j, -0.82115218-2.77555756e-17j], [0.+0.j , 0.+0.j, -0.32948354-0.802254558j]]) >>> Z2 array([[0.72711591+0.j, 0.28220393-0.31385693j, 0.51319638-0.17258824j], [0.52839428+0.j, 0.24720268+0.41635578j, -0.68079517-0.15118243j], [0.43829436+0.j, -0.76618703+0.01873251j, -0.03063006+0.46857912j]])